3 definitions by Quaysan

When a group of people with penises gather in a circle and achieve orgasm only by thrusting against other penii.

Named after the cryptic zoological wonder that is a rat king: Rats that have fused together by the tail due to poor and tight living conditions.
"Okay girls, gays, and theys: it's time to circle up and jerkle up, who's gonna be tonights Rat Queen?"
by Quaysan May 25, 2024
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The day after National Horny Day--April 17th--because we realize falling for thirst traps doesn't get us anywhere.
I need a hug right now...

It's April 18th, you JUST missed worldwide touchstarved day
by Quaysan April 16, 2020
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Noun, from Greek anti "opposite, against", Greek étumon "true sense", and Greek ὄnyma "describing types of word or name"
A word or phrase that has a counterintuitive or unexpectedly opposite meaning
Pronounced: Ant Eti Nym
Akili: You want some of this Gorilla Dick?

Narrator: Gorillas have some of smallest penises of all primates, despite being quite large in stature and bulk. Penises similar to those of the Gorilla would not be what most human women would want. Gorilla Dick is a Antetynym.
by Quaysan December 6, 2021
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