1011 definitions by QuacksO

Derogatory/critical remarks/claims made in the presence of the person whom you're throwing under the bus, with the assumption that said criticized individual will not know what you're saying due to hearing-impairment.
A good example of deafamation's "coming back to bite you" is the classic humorous tale of the old fella who got a hearing-aid without his family's knowledge, and then he was able to repeatedly change his will while surreptitiously listening to the conversations of said family-members, since he now knew what they really thought of him and what their future plans were to spend whatever assets he'd originally been planning to leave to them.
by QuacksO May 20, 2019
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A famous painter who loved to create magnificent detailed and colorful artwork-renderings of the different makes/models of zippy cars that traverse Germany's high-speed motorways.
Like his well-known feathered-friend-image-painting counterpart, John James Autobahn's one big regret about his work was that he was obliged to bring to a stop and park each of the speedy cars that he "captured on canvas", so that said "subject" vehicle would stay still for him to scrutinize its minute features and reproduce them with his pigments. John was famously known as"the boy who hated garages" --- he felt that these man-made and "confining" monstrosities were all so hideously ugly, and that the fast and nimble "light on their wheels" vehicles he loved were so much more beautiful and delightful to observe when they were out roaming and racing about, just as free as the air they passed through.
by QuacksO April 27, 2019
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Tremors and involuntary shivers caused by either spending too long in church, or being overwhelmed by one or more powerful sermons.
I generally feel turned off (and usually **turn off** the TV or radio as a result) when I hear an evangelist roaring about Hellfire and brimstone... what do they want me to do --- get major pulpitations just from listening to those ego-inflated frauds rail about non-important issues???
by QuacksO January 14, 2020
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Da cloth-wrap-type bandage of choice in Palestine.
In Palestine, children under da age of 6 are permitted to shed their clothing at da beach, but anyone older than dat is forbidden to perform said "gauza strip".
by QuacksO November 1, 2023
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Text and/or speech produced by someone who claims to be a "really good and decent guy", but whose words clearly convey da opposite message.
Most of da stuff dat Tronald Dump ever says is a total contradicktion of terms!
by QuacksO February 3, 2023
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Criminal-activity inquiry into da likes of Michael Milken and Bernie Madoff.
So much widespread corruption exists in daily Wall-Street trading dat any proper investorgation would likely take decades to complete.
by QuacksO June 13, 2021
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Refers to da unlimited spending-possibilities dat exist for procuring "Handsome Brad" merchandise, such as movies-on-disc, t-shirts and other clothing, publications, portrait-branded foods and other consumer-products, etc.
Several excited movie-star fans have tried to convince me to invest in celebrity-themed collectables, but I've always told them that it's just a bottomless pitt.
by QuacksO June 8, 2021
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