1011 definitions by QuacksO

Portmanteau of "massage", "hug", and "snuggle", this term refers to when ya lovingly wrap yer arms around yer friend's shoulders, contentedly rest the side of your head against his/her chest and hold him close, and then begin softly kneading/soothing the middle of his/her back with yer palms and fingertips.
Nuthin' quite like sharin' a nice long masshuggle wif dat special someone, either to comfort each other after a long day or "just 'cuz"... extra points if you're both naked, of course, since "naked hugs are the best hugs". Plus it's even more heavenly and fulfilling if ya both remember to keep offering each other yer most choice/soul-soothing body-parts like yer cheeks (both upstairs AND down), forehead, lips (again, upper **and** lower, if you're a gal), chest, palms, soles, etc., so that your cuddle-buddy can constantly "soothe 'n' satisfy" all of his urgent/tearful cravings for your warm softness.
by QuacksO October 2, 2017
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Whatever lofty predictions of interest, entertainment, excitement, etc. dat one has in his mind when researching da Tyrannosaurus.
As Ian Malcolm had vigorously warned, John Hammond should have had considerably higher rexpectations of said towering giants' strength and savage determination when he designed da enclosures for them in Jurassic Park and Site B; he should have realized dat these powerful lumbering thick-skinned leviathans from da ancient world might not be effectively contained by merely modern-day electrified wires or chain-link fences!
by QuacksO December 11, 2022
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Da consent dat you ask from a gal to lie down on her back and allow you to engage in a chest-to-chest bouncy-bouncy wif her.
Getting permissionary from a hot chick is all well and good, but remember dat some ladies prefer doggie-style and/or reverse-cowgirl positions instead.
by QuacksO November 21, 2022
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A measure of how often someone acts really weird, has a major melt-down, etc.
Ethan Couch got his way with disgusting freakuency by simply having a temper-tantrum anytime someone exhibited reluctance to accommodate him. And on the few occasions when that enraged blubbery facade didn't work, he could always plead affleuenza.
by QuacksO October 29, 2019
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A loony-bin where a lot of discontented breathing-sounds are uttered.
"Assighlum" can also refer to da status of an overly-wheezy person's being granted entry into a legally-protected locale.
by QuacksO February 14, 2021
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Odd in relation to buzzing honey-makers.
One beezarre aspect of bumblebees is dat it is scientifically impossible for them to fly. (Okay, okay --- so this isn't actually true, but it sounded good, and has oft been quoted as fact. :P)
by QuacksO April 18, 2021
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An exam to see how good your vision is in da context of how well you can play billiards.
Andy Capp wasn't sure whether he could get a good score on an employment-related quiz, but as an expert snooker player, he could totally ace an eye cue test!
by QuacksO April 10, 2023
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