3 definitions by Pussy_Power

noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection

1. A kick ass women who is not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for her rights.

note: Heartless Bitch are not man- haters!
1. Heartless Bitch: look I'm sorry I don't wan't go back to your apartment.

Guy: I get it your a frigid bitch.

Heartless Bitch: actually I'm their queen.

2. guy: Lets go back to my place and have some fun. We can do it nice and slow.

HB: Sorry i'm not really in mood right now.

guy: c'mon I know your in the mood. I'll show a real good time.

HB: Thanks for dinner but I have to go.

guy: aw c'mon girl.

HB: Oh why don't you just masturbate and get over it!?

Heartless Bitches International: heartless-bitches.com
by Pussy_Power December 24, 2003
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1. Sumi Das, Sumi Jo, hapa Sumi, Sumi-e....... amor Sumi justo de I.
by Pussy_Power December 25, 2003
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1. having guts
2. female power
1. That tooks eggs for that women to
confronting her sexist boss on
how she is being less than her
male co-workers.
2. That girl hasm some eggs!!
by Pussy_Power December 23, 2003
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