1 definition by Pussy Buffet, PhD


The infrequently utilized and slightly unorthodox process by which a male inserts his limp penis into the ear of an eager girlfriend and then proceeds to have an erection until the entire auditory canal is filled by the penis, subsequently providing temporary partial hearing loss while inducing twisted pleasure unbeknownst to most normal humans.
Damn bro, I was with this chick last night that told me to fill every hole on her body, and after I got done with the normal shit she said "You forgot one, give me a Scottie!". I said wtf is that and after she told me I gave her a Scottie. This crazy bitch goes all the way!

After I pleasured her with a nice friendly angry dragon, I gave her a Scottie, and now I think she's calling the cops.
by Pussy Buffet, PhD July 25, 2010
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