6 definitions by ProudGinger

1. A mildly derogative nickname for one who states the obvious.

2. The name of a Pikachu owned by Ritchie in the Pokemon series. It is different than other Pikachus because it has a distinct tuft of fur on its head.
"Nice deduction, Sparky."

"Go, Sparky!"
by ProudGinger March 13, 2009
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1. A lighter noted for its durability.

2. The name of a Charmeleon owned by Ritchie in the Pokemon series.
1. "I just bought a Zippo; my old lighter stopped working."

2. "Zippo! Use Flamethrower!"
by ProudGinger February 12, 2009
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A regrettably unknown punk-metal band from San Francisco. Their albums include "Bitter Halo" and "Orchids and Ammunition." The band features Chris Koenig on drums, Dave Pearl on the bass, Brain DaMotta on the guitar, and Tyson Yen on vocals.
"Hey! Have you heard "Decontrol" yet?"
"It's a song by Drist."
"Oh, yeah...I forgot they're regrettably unknown. You should listen to them."
by ProudGinger May 27, 2009
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1. An act that should never be done while in a car, during class, or in any other situation in which one should be paying attention.
2. An act that numerous teenagers often do while in a car, during class, or in any other situation in which they should be paying attention.
Idiotic teenage driver: *whips out cell phone and starts text messaging*
Intelligent teenager: Whoa! What the hell are you doing?! You're going to get us killed!
Idiotic teenage driver: Huh? Did you say something? *swerves*
by ProudGinger June 23, 2010
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A nap taken when one is too lazy or tired to set an alarm and instead just hopes one will wake up in time for one's next engagement.

Often a bad idea and commonly results in the phrase "it seemed like a good idea at the time."
Shit, I'm four hours late for work! Why the hell did I take a sleep of faith? Ugh...it seemed like a good idea at the time...
by ProudGinger August 17, 2010
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1. A feeling of joy and/or contentment.

2. The name of a Butterfree owned my Ritchie in the Pokemon series.
"I feel happy today."

"Use sleep powder, Happy!"
by ProudGinger March 11, 2009
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