14 definitions by ProffFartuart

A ZarrK9 is a sexual position where one puts their foot in a guys mouth whilst panting and barking like a canine (K9). It's not really known where or how this sexual position came about but Dr Tim Jordan of IFF & Sexual Studies did say this when interviewed "i think my mum invented it when i was in Ghana, we got this bloke off the streets that had a foot fetish and my god, the experience was so good."
"Hey hot stuff, wanna have a ZarrK9 tonight? Hehe"
by ProffFartuart December 16, 2019
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Meaning: A red panda that goes on a honeymoon with their mate who is also cute and fluffy.

Pieberius can also mean a bad smell.

This word originates from the Swansea Furry culture but has started to gain popularity in recent times.
Person A) "Hey dude, what's up? Have you cleaned that room yet?"
Person B) No, not yet, i am finding the room very Pieberius
by ProffFartuart November 18, 2019
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The sausage between someones legs. Usually uncooked.
"Oh my, i appear to have a penis sausage"
by ProffFartuart December 3, 2019
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Meaning: In June 2017, scientists at NASA discovered a type of life on Mard. This isn't human life but Plant life! A Nebula has been put in the Plant Category of "Folf". Nebula (Folf) is thought to be carnivorous but it's not yet known what this plant eats exactly.

Days after the discovery, The Professor of Extraterrestrial Lifeforms, Hernie Blightwater was quoted saying "it is a great day for Science and a giant step forward for humanity, we are one step closer to discovering what Mars was like thousands of years ago when it was a planet just like Earth. When i told my wife about the discovery, she looked at me and said "That Folf is so cute and fluffy". I don't think she understood the significance of this and what it could mean for the future of our species."
"Nebula is a new plant species"
"The Wife thought that Nebula was cute and fluffy"
by ProffFartuart November 21, 2019
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An amazing friend with a heart of gold, always looks out for people when she can and is there when you need someone the most, if you have a friend called Avvy-Isabelle, keep her close as you will struggle to ever find a friend as unique and kind as she is. She is truly one of a kind. (Cute otter too)
"Hello Avvy-Isabelle, it's time for a biiiiiiiiiig hug!"
by ProffFartuart November 21, 2019
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Where an item of clothing is in between being baggy and not baggy
"I'm a fat fuck so i need baggyish trousers"
by ProffFartuart July 1, 2020
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A Cat tail is a lollipop and / or a pacifier.

Origin: The "Cat Tail Lollipop" was a very sacred thing in aincient Egypt. The Slaves would all suck on a cats tail hoping it would bring good luck and good fortune to their lives. The term "Cat Tail Pacifier" is from where these slaves would find a cat and make their son or daughter when born suck on the cats tail instead of a pacifier, hoping it would lead to them having a life outside if the cruel world.

Other Uses: The Cats tail can also be used as fan when there are flies about or you are just too hot.
"The Cat Tail must be found as it shall make us free!"
by ProffFartuart May 10, 2020
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