12 definitions by Prime

To lightly (or not so lightly) directly hit a person's forehead with the palm of the hand, usually in a playful way
"Oh c'mon...get outta here!" (biff)
by Prime December 23, 2002
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the act of consuming dextromethorphan products in a rapid manner
chugit you narc!!!!!
by Prime December 7, 2004
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Did you see the way her legs wobble when she walks. She flicted man.
by Prime December 19, 2002
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"Yo, I parked way the hell over in east bumfuck! Where you at?"
"Right here in West Jesus."
by Prime December 21, 2002
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Post-dinner Family Guy

"Sure. Which episode?"
by Prime December 18, 2002
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Also, the hand gesture characterized by an upward pointing index finger moved in a circle.
by Prime December 18, 2002
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To conclude a meal gathering. An oxmanism
"You fellas wanna wrap this up?"
by Prime December 18, 2002
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