1 definition by PresidentSuit

Main Entry: bar· ack
Pronunciation: \bə-’rak\
Function: verb
Etymology: eponymous usage, a verbing of the given name of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama; African derivation, “Blessed”; a form of the Hebrew name Baruch Date: 2008
1 : to deceive, 2: to conceal intended meaning in communication, 3: to abandon persons or issues for self-gain,
4: to pander, 5: to obfuscate
—-common usage: “Don’t barack me! Tell the Truth for a change!”
Function2: noun
1 : untruthful information 2: excrement
—-common usage: “What a crock of barack!”
verb: —-common usage: “Don’t barack me! Tell the Truth for a change!”
noun: —-common usage: “What a crock of barack!”
by PresidentSuit April 4, 2010
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