1 definition by Praaaaavda

Victimism can similarly be defined as a kind of philosophy whereby one chooses to perpetually see one's self as a victim of some sort for the purpose of accruing sympathy and empathy. The ultimate purpose of victimism is simply to attain social power, influence, and status by exploiting the well meaning sympathies and good intentions of the general populace for its social/political support. If one "plays the victim" one can gain power and influence by exploiting the sympathies of the masses.
The newly coined term of "mansplaining" supports an overarching philosophy of victimism employed to great effect by feminists. Mansplaining is a passive/aggressive ploy to silence men by claiming victimization whenever, in the course of ordinary conversation, a man interrupts a woman when she's speaking. The evil act of mansplaining only ever occurs if a man interrupts a woman. It never happens when a man interrupts another man or a woman interrupts another woman. In those cases no victimization has occurred because a man hasn't taken the occasion to "victimize" a woman. Any interruption is a bit rude and confrontational , as we all know; but it's also a pretty standard part of human debating and discussion. However, if a man ever interrupts a woman for any reason ever, a "crime" has taken place. If you ask the woman, she'll explain at great length about her victimization whereas the man will simply shrug his shoulders and wonder what the big deal is.
by Praaaaavda May 11, 2016
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