10 definitions by Powerpasser

A nickname for a man or boy named "Chandler" or "Charles--Andrew."
My sister has a hot date next Saturday with Chandy Smith.
by Powerpasser December 4, 2018
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Bullshit that has lost its manhood. So obviously false that no one takes it seriously.
Bobby told his teacher today, "The dog ate my homework," for the fifth time this year.
U should've seen the teacher roll his eyes at that steershit!
by Powerpasser August 3, 2008
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A last name so unpleasant that it causes men to say, 'If that were my surname, I'd defy social norms & forget my macho pride by taking my bride's name upon marriage!'
When I worked in a pizzeria, we had a customer whose last name meant "Mr. Booger/ Snot" in German!
"Please meet Mr. Wentworth & his sister Mrs. Wentworth. . ."
"WTF? Do the Wentworths marry their cousins??!"
"Nope. His brother-in-law's bachelor name is Herrlein Rotz, which means 'Senorito Snot' in German!"
"Wow! What a Romeo Capulet name!"
by Powerpasser December 16, 2017
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When you detect that somebody is giving you a hint, so you give them one right back.
I've asked you to socialize with me, and each time you've told me that you have other plans. So I'll leave you alone unless you ask me out and let ME tell YOU whether I'm "busy." -- The speaker is giving a counter-hint that s/he has reason to believe that the person spoken to is giving him/her a hint that they're not interested in dating/ palling around.
by Powerpasser December 4, 2018
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A person who is so conceited/ stuck-up about their volleyball skills that they judge others' coolness, friendworthiness, or social status by how well those others can play volleyball.
When I complained to the leader of that volleyball club that the other players would not talk to me in the bar after the match, he told me where to take volleyball lessons! So he admitted that they're a bunch of volleysnobs.
by Powerpasser March 4, 2019
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When a man or boy does or wears something "feminine," which shows that he has guts/ balls.
Check out that football player (UK: rugby bloke) wearing a purple skirt! He obviously ain't a drag queen. He's got the muscles where nobody would dare mess with him!

I wish I were so backhandedly macho!
by Powerpasser March 13, 2018
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I'll never go to that restaurant again after they served me a burnt scheissburger with ground-up gristle & soy protein extender, which I would not feed to a dog!
by Powerpasser May 7, 2015
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