17 definitions by Poop Stain Barney

Men who are half Redneck and half Thug.
Jim Bob drives a Ford-150 with Large Mud Tires, Lift Kit, and a HillyBilly Bumper Sticker affixed but when he rolls down the window to his Hick mobile, Tupac Tunes blare out and when he gets out of his truck he sports Basketball High Tops instead of Shit Kicking Cowboy Boots. Jim Bob is a Rug and he hangs around other Rugs.
by Poop Stain Barney March 22, 2012
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A lie that is about to be exposed for what it is- 'bullshit'.
John led us all to believe his lie that he was rich but his bullshit lies are an endangered feces once the Repo Man shows up to repossess his Mercedes, and the Bank forecloses on his home.
by Poop Stain Barney April 13, 2011
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To steal someone's Status Update on Facebook and post it as your own.
1st Person: "Yo, did you see what Mike put as his Status Update? No doubt it was funny as hell but he is no King of Wits. He most definitely cut and pasted someone elses status.
2nd Person: "True. That cat is notorious for the Rip and Run."
by Poop Stain Barney April 22, 2011
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someone who frequents Facebook Pages or Youtube Videos to post comments in order to get attention.
Looks like the attention troll made another negative comment on the youtube video just to get attention.
by Poop Stain Barney December 9, 2011
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A person whose status updates on facebook are solely for the purpose of gaining sympathy.
Johnny is such the sympathy seeker that he would go on Facebook to say that his Pet-Rock died if it would get him sympathy.
by Poop Stain Barney March 12, 2011
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A person who is always looking for opportunities to be a hero.
Mike was quick to rush towards the accident- even though Paramedics were already on the scene. He sure is a Rescue Randy.
by Poop Stain Barney October 26, 2011
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A person that no matter how positive the room is, brings in his negativism and thus drains the room of its positive vibe.
First Person: "Here comes Fred again."
Second Person: "Nah, you mean Negative Ned."
by Poop Stain Barney April 26, 2011
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