39 definitions by Pollup

What it will be called after Urban Dictionary is taken over by Sikh Terrorists.
I submitted an entry to turban dictionary and those assholes didn't accept it. Probably because it wasn't about turbans. Assholes.
by Pollup January 5, 2008
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When a gay guy goes in for the kill.
Hey Gordon (from Sesame Street),

Can I unwrap the soap in the shower with you?
by Pollup November 25, 2007
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A casual reference to someone that you don't hate, but think is a really huge loser. There is no reason for thinking he is a loser, he just is.

Generally, dink touchers are super nice guys with lots of friends. However, when you meet them, you just think: "man, this guy is a huge dink toucher."

When you are hanging around with dink touchers, you generally pretend to be friends with them. But when you get home, you complain to your wife/girlfriend about how much they suck and that you don't want to hang around with them any more. Then your wife/girlfriend gets mad at you and asks you to explain why that guy was a dink toucher. You don't have an explanation and lose the argument. Then you end up hanging around with the guy over and over again.
Last night I was hanging out with my wife's work friends. There was this one guy, Steve, and he was a super-huge dink toucher.

How so?

I don't know. He just was.
by Pollup November 24, 2007
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When a guy forgets to clean his wiener for a few days and it gets a little ripe.
Hey Charlene! That guy you hooked me up with last night - um, yeah...I went to give him a blow job and he had the really raunchy funky pickle"
by Pollup November 24, 2007
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A character known for his wit, charm, and snotty anus.
One day the Boogerly Bumhole was walking down the street when he ran into his cousin, Dinkhole.
by Pollup December 10, 2007
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A member of an opposing gang that has killed one of your homies in the past. Although your first instinct is to exact revenge on that motherfucker, you are aware that it may ignite another gang war. Gang wars, although hilarious and fun, are not desired by the warlords in the ghetto because they attract attention to the underworld from Whitey and/or "The Man." Quite often, you are a Chan Tigah to someone else because you gunned down his cousin at the taco stand. The huge number of Chan Tigahs in the Ghetto is what sociologists refer to as "Street Brinkmanship," meaning, since everyone has Chan Tigah status, no one can kill anyone for fear of starting a huge gang war.

A Chan Tigah is a politically complex term for an enemy that you want to kill but can't.
I wanted to kill that motherfucker chan tigah last night in the back alley, but "Five Tooth Tre Dog" told me to wait until the heat was off.
by Pollup December 29, 2007
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When a big fat guy steps on your belly and ruptures your intestines. The poop squishes down into you scrotum causing your testicles to get all shitty.

Ah, dude. That guy caused Billy to get shitesticles.
by Pollup December 3, 2007
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