19 definitions by Politic Ric

When John McCain and the GOP launched their ‘America First’ campaign in 2008, it soon became painfully obvious that it was nothing more than a campaign slogan with the ‘demographic over qualifications’ pick of Sarah Palin as his running mate. Within a matter of days it became evident that Palin had no concept of what the vice president’s job entailed, no insight to the political arena beyond the “Leaving Wasillaroad sign in south-central Alaska and was very poorly read.

Palin cost McCain the election and was snubbed by the Republican Party. So what’s a pitbull in lipstick to do? Write a book, quit your job, pack up the Governor’s Mansion, and hit the road to stir the ‘Real Americans’ into a psychotic frenzy by promising them a way to ‘Take Back America.’

Two years later, through a politically cruel twist of fate for the GOP, Sarah Palin, along with such pseudo celebrities as Glen Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, now commands the largest contingent of misfits in the history of American politics – The Tea Party – and they’re splitting the Republican Party right down the middle.
Although the Tea Party doesn’t yet have the numbers to win seats in the big elections, they do have the numbers to take votes away from the other candidates so they can’t win them either – and where are most of these votes coming from? The Republican Party. How’s that for Political Karma?
by Politic Ric October 26, 2010
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Barely Legal. Taken from two definitions of the word Just.

Definition 1: Barely; by a narrow margin; within a brief period of time; only; merely

Definition 2: Legal; legitimate; guided by justice; in accordance with standards; right; lawful; proper
Man 1: “You’d better stay away from her, or you’ll end up in jail!”
Man 2: “No worries, I checked her out. She’s Just Just!”
by Politic Ric June 2, 2010
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It’s a well-known fact that many families receiving Food Stamps eat like millionaires. While most of the population gets by on fatty ground beef and frozen dinners, Food Stampers feast on Filet Mignon, New York Strip, lobster tails and crab legs. If eating like this still isn’t enough to spend their entire monthly food handout, they then resort to throwing parties and cookouts just to use up the stamps. Of course, the concept of not spending every dime of their government handout, stocking up on non-perishables, or donating some of the excess food to a charitable organization is out of the question.
“Awesome! I just got invited to C’s cookout again! Last time I went, I had a couple Food Stamp Filets at her house, then she gave me four more to take home!”
by Politic Ric June 2, 2010
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The study of the American political system in the early twenty-first century as it mutated from Democrat versus Republican and Liberal versus Conservative to the Sane versus the Insane – coinciding with the introduction of Sarah Palin and the inception of the Tea Party.
Man 1: I just signed up for a class to study how Sarah Palin screwed up everything for the Republican Party by stirring up the crazies and setting the stage for the Tea Party movement.
Man 2: I took Palintology last semester. It’s hard to believe those people can walk and chew gum at the same time!
by Politic Ric October 26, 2010
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A Michael Steele Second is destined to replace the New York Second as the smallest measurable amount of time in the universe.

A New York Second is defined as the time between a traffic light turning green in New York City and the cab driver behind you honking his horn.

A Michael Steele Second is defined as the time between President Obama leaving the Executive Office of the President of the United States and the firing of Michael Steele as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Man 1: If I were offered that job, I’d have said yes in a Michael Steele Second!

Man 2: You and me both!
by Politic Ric November 9, 2010
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Collecting Welfare, Social Security and Child Support every month, without ever lifting a finger – except for going to the mailbox and the bank.
“Wow, since she figured out who the father is, she’s been riding the Trailer Trash Trifecta!”
by Politic Ric May 27, 2010
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Whenever you find yourself in a situation that feels like it may escalate from a simple misunderstanding or disagreement into something worse – and you’re really not in the mood, just remember these four little words. This just might be the simplest phrase ever conceived to stop a potential argument dead in its tracks.
M: You’re going to go past it! I said it was on the right!
R: No, you said it was on the left.
M: No, I distinctly told you that it was on the…
R: Game over, you win!
by Politic Ric October 27, 2010
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