3 definitions by Pokewhizz

Person who occupies your thoughts & causes you anxiety/worry, depriving you of sleep.
Person 1: I can’t stop thinking about X, it’s keeping me awake at night.

Person 2: sounds like we have a sleepstealer on our hands...
by Pokewhizz January 3, 2019
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Person A: I like B
Person B: I don't like A
Person C: That's a oneship
by Pokewhizz July 28, 2016
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A house spouse: gender neutral version of house wife/husband (noun)
Person A: I don’t have a job. I’m married though!

Person B: fam, congratulations! You’re a house spouse.

Person A: damn straight I am famalam.
by Pokewhizz December 8, 2017
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