14 definitions by PohTayToez

The erect penis of a sleeping male. Such named because someone sleeping with said male may get repeated poked with said erect penis as the male moves in his sleep, resulting in a feeling of getting attacked by a very small shark.
Marten is such a restless sleeper... he kept me up all night with his boner shark.
by PohTayToez May 5, 2009
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A suffix that can be added to an adjective to make a word that refers to a person that is being that adjective.
Some good -osauruses

Oblivosaurus (Someone that is oblivious)
Grumposaurus (Someone that is grumpy)
Exaustosaurus (Someone that is exausted)
Smarmosaurus (Someone that is smarmy)
Bipolosaurus (Someone that is bipolar)

by PohTayToez August 20, 2007
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A phrase used when a statement one has previously made comes into question. This phrase can only be used when one is absolutely sure that the previous statement is factual. The "bitch" in question is the subject of the statement under question, which does not necessarily have to be female or canine.
"Did you know Coca-Cola originally had cocaine in it?"

"No way, that's an urban legend."

"Bullshit, Google that bitch."
by PohTayToez August 17, 2008
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Describes someone that is attracted only to men in red and white fuzzy suits, carrying bags of toys.
See that Mrs. Claus over there? I here she is so hohosexual.
by PohTayToez December 4, 2007
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A disease by which is characterized by the wanting of never to grow. One who wishes to remain a child forever would be infected by peterpanitis. This disease if often contracted during periods of great social adjustment, such as the move from middle school to highschool, or going from highschool to college.
Liz: I don't want to grow up. I wish I could stay in highschool forever and never have to worry about a career or bills or anything.

Trevor: Sounds like you have a case of peterpanitis.
by PohTayToez August 8, 2007
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1: Used to describe something that is fake. Can be a person, thing or act.

2: An image that has literally been drawn or edited with the program Adobe Photoshop
Dude, Jimmy is never sincere, he just tells you what you want to hear. He's so photoshopped.

Hey, those Air Jordans you got for $20 were cheap for a reason... they're totally photoshopped.

Clarissa told me she was happy that I had found someone else, but I could tell it was totally photoshopped.

Dude, I totally just photoshopped the heads of the Olsen twins' bodies onto some nude pictures.
by PohTayToez February 26, 2008
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A text message sent from one person in a group of people to another in the group. Normally used to talk about someone "behind their back" when they're actually right in front of you.
Matt was being a complete douche, but I didn't want to say it out loud so I whisper texted it to Nickie.
by PohTayToez July 14, 2009
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