11 definitions by Pmay0

"Kliggy brothers, let us read from the kloran tonight"
by Pmay0 March 13, 2005
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Greeting verb: A greeting between to klansmen (members of the KKK)
"Kliggy brother! Lets burn some naggers!"
by Pmay0 March 13, 2005
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Noun: Lips with a mind of their own. If every caught on film known to cuase momentary blankness on screen of viewing machine. Same with photograph.
"He's got those nagger lips"
by Pmay0 March 13, 2005
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Noun: Annual KKK fee. Usually paid at the end of the month. Failure to meet payment demands lead to expellsion from the KKK brotherhood.
"Cleedis, i don gon forgat to pay my hear klecktoken"
by Pmay0 March 14, 2005
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Noun: One of the most deadliest places in the world. Three men, seven women, and two in-betweens were brutally spooned. The corner is were the mysterious doll of evil rests and floats at night in the love nest of the SpawnofSkeeb's basement.
Dont go near the Devil's Corner, you'll get killed
by Pmay0 March 11, 2005
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Noun: The sound of breast milk dripping out of an old porn star's nipples from the series "Dirty-Kinky-Mature Women"
Dude, that kinky grandma said she wanted to bloop bloop bloop breast milk on my face
by Pmay0 March 11, 2005
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