11 definitions by Plumberry

1) An expression of great frustration and arrrrrgggghhhhh.
2) An expression of great happiness and new found fortune.
3) A word used by drunk pirates.
1) "Ya'arg!!!!!!!!"
2) "Ya'arg!!!!!!!!"
3) "Ya'arrrg mateys! We be fifshteen paces fruuem the booty."
by Plumberry September 7, 2005
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1 : Rocky Martin... DUHRHHHH...
2 : And me
"Kilroy was here"
by Plumberry March 31, 2005
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1. The Lord of the Rings...
An epic fantasy novel written half a century ago by J.R.R. Tolkien otherwise known as John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. It carries on after his famous work, The Hobbit. The Lord of the Rings is divided into three parts - The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.
The story of how Tolkien wrote his epic adventure is quite unique and his works are very inspiring to millions aroud the world.
2. The Lord of the Rings has been adapted into movies. The more memorable and accurate adaption being Peter Jackson's theatrical trilogy, released from 2001-2003. His films took home dozens of awards including Golden Globes, and many Oscars Academy Awards.
1. ~"I am going to read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings this summer."
~"Oh... Okay... You do that."
2. ~"I've seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy 7 consecutive times."
~"No wonder you're so pale.."
by Plumberry September 7, 2005
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1. The Lord of the Rings...
An epic fantasy novel written half a century ago by J.R.R. Tolkien otherwise known as John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. It carries on after his famous work, The Hobbit. The Lord of the Rings is divided into three parts - The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King.

The story of how Tolkien wrote his epic adventure is quite unique and his works are very inspiring to millions aroud the world.

2. The Lord of the Rings has been adapted into movies. The more memorable and accurate adaption being Peter Jackson's theatrical trilogy, released from 2001-2003. His films took home dozens of awards including Golden Globes, and many Oscars Academy Awards.
1. ~"I am going to read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings Trilogy this summer."
~"Oh... Okay... You do that."

2. ~"I've seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy 87 consecutive times."
~"No wonder your so pale.."
by Plumberry August 18, 2005
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1) Those disks that come in the mail advertising AOL or America On-Line into your own household. They are wastes of the valuable non-renewable resources that it took to forge them in the fires of DOOOOM. AOL Disks also promote racism and other subjects of inequality and such. They should be banned by human beings. Think about it. They call is America On-Line 'America'.. PFFT! What, are they trying to pull Guatemala and Cuba, and Canada into this AOL mafia? SAVE THE WORLD FELLOW BEINGS! STOP AOL BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!!!

2) May-O-El-Disk kind of sounds like Cinco-De-(El)-May-O if you say it a little different... (Another piece of evidence that prooves AOL is trying to put their evil dirty work into South American countries, and even CANADA!)

2) Arrrriiiibaaaaaa!!!!!!! EH?
by Plumberry May 24, 2005
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1)A word to name the "leet", or should I say "1337" wannabes of the internet.
Usually meaning something along the lines of: An unauthorized user or individual who attempts to or gains access to an information system, or some information-related data.

2)Also hackers. There are really three main types of hackers, although you don't really hear about them. These are the black hat, white hat, and... well... the haxor.
some guy: dUDE I"M sooooooo a L##T HAX0r>>>>> i JUSt haxed like frikin diabl0 stof.
other guy: Yeah.. meh too.

Hacker1: Hey.. wana go hack into the pentagon and leave a message saying 'kilroy was here'?
Hacker2: No thanks, I just did that last night. How about we go out for a sandwitch and some CHIPS.
Hacker1: Maybe later, let me just update my server, I think I might be v. updates behind.
by Plumberry June 1, 2005
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A word for the Cap'n o' the ship to address his loyal crew of fine sturdy lads, fit to sail the seven seas with the spirit of true pirates. YAHAARRR!!
Cap'n - "Arrr.. Me hearties, a keg o' grog fer all tonight."
'Hearties' or fellow crew of pirates - "Arr!!" "Yo ho!" "Yahhaaarr!!!" "Ya'arg!"
by Plumberry October 12, 2005
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