12 definitions by Plotbert

A person who is very stingy about their herb, they never offer it to anybody (clearly defying stoner etiquette) however they are always there to bum a hit off ya whenever possible.Furthermore they are usually total dick weeds that are always very quiet and contemptuous to strangers, and are always making lame cliche remarks to every word a normal bystander says.
normal bystander: "ya dude I think im going to go to school up in Montana".

stingy stoner (steve): "what are you like gay or something, do you like brokeback mountain".

normal person: " um,..do I even know you?"

thats a stingy stoner in a nutshell
by Plotbert February 2, 2008
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a person who skies or snowboards that is a complete poserish scene, trendster faggot.Usually seen in terrain parks of colorado with their stance so wide their doin the splits. Loudmouth wankers that brag about how much weed they smoked in their parents million dollar condo, or how steezy their rail spin was.........FAGS.

"yo steezy jeff that was totally gnar"
"steezy jeff yah bro lets go get blazed in my parents condo then suck each other off."

me; "wow what a bunch of fag steezebocks"
by Plotbert December 18, 2007
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when designers or paint companies choose to label colors with cute and exotic names that clearly defy the actual name or nature of the color, most commonly applied to different hues of one main color.
" hey honey do you think we should paint our room tequila, key lime pie, or matte boogar".

"how about we just go with green".

just go to your local paint store and look at all the yuppie colors, you'll be amused.
by Plotbert February 3, 2008
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Someone that is too pussy to deal with life's shit head on. Instead they always take cheap shots, and the easy way out, instead of buckling down and facing reality like a man.
"wes, I dont think stabbing your little brother in the back is going to solve any of your problems your so pussive agressive".
"bullshit dude watch"

-throws unsuspecting little brother down a flight of stairs, to later have his ass whooped at a party for being so gay".
by Plotbert December 18, 2007
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a person from California who emigrated to colorado, these people are the reason that there are fuckwads in this great state. They usually inhabit the suburbs of denver, parents are corporate robots, and the kids are complete dipshits that are constantly bragging about how awesome california is. also the reason for 99% of the motor vehicle accidents on our highways, good riddance.
california kid- "california is the shit, its the only state were you can surf, skateboard, and snowboard all in same day.

Colorado kid- "well that sucks theres no surf in colorado....douche."

classic example of a caloradon exchange of words
by Plotbert January 30, 2008
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A jew with a ton of steez, most commonly applied to people who do freestlye snowboarding. Style+ease+Jew=steezberg
Jew #1 "holy kishka did you just see Zach Plotkin pull that sick 1080, he should change his last name to steezberg.

Jew #2 " that was so insane I almost lost my yalmulka."
by Plotbert January 30, 2008
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A snowboarder that spends every waking minute of his pathetic life in the terrain park doing rail spins. Someone too narrow minded to explore the entire mountain. hence they are railballers usually sportin b ball jersey's n shit. kinda funny because they try to act ghetto, but if they ever drove through the hood in their parents suburban they would probably shit their pants.
' hey mike feels like jibastic park, just railballersaurus rex's everywhere today at keystone."
by Plotbert December 18, 2007
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