116 definitions by PlayDohMan

a disk with such little capacity that it one of the wonders of the world why it hasn't come out of use yet
by PlayDohMan July 3, 2004
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the knob of the century just as remarkalble as your mom
oh she has got one big doorknob i could twist that alnight
by PlayDohMan April 27, 2004
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its worst than dupya its tripya
dammit dick dont beat me i didnt eat the pudding packs or the rice kripsy treat i tell u its that damn lawn knome

dammit tripya those are suppose to be top secret and they only eat happy meals from that run down joint mc donalds

ow dick but dont beat me cause i lied about them here look ill beat my self
by PlayDohMan March 3, 2005
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the train of the jackson few made for little kiddies
mommy mommy dah chu chu trains comming no son get away from there that not for little children
by PlayDohMan April 26, 2004
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1. when smack someone in the face with a glove
2. you do this when you challenge someone to a duel
nazi glove slap are done by back handing someone with a glove
by PlayDohMan May 14, 2004
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the people that wear white shirts and ride bikes around town with helmets on preaching about jesus and other mormon garbage
i was recently attacked by a group of mormons that wanted to preach about jesus at walmart (this is true actually)
by PlayDohMan June 5, 2006
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