2 definitions by Pimpalicious Ice Dawg

1. Something so absurd, stupid, ridiculous, and inaproppriate that it cannot in any form be taken seriosuly.

2. Geroge W Bush

3. Bear Strearns Stock Price
Eg 1
Guy 1: I think the US Stock Market is booming
Guy 2: Geez, your a nob because that is total Ridiculousness!

Eg 2
Guy 1: Hey dude you suck
Guy 2: Well your mum sucks and she's ridiculouness

by Pimpalicious Ice Dawg March 21, 2008
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This is a less rude, subtle approach to curb someones bragadocious behaviour during conversation. It limits the chance of copping a smack in the grill from the offending party.
Hey wigga, i know your missus is a pornstar and your best mate is the lead singer of N'Sync but im sorry unfrotunately i think you might be bordering on bragadocious.
by Pimpalicious Ice Dawg March 10, 2008
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