22 definitions by Pierre

Often traveling in pairs, Eurotrash promenade their slim and overly fragrant bodies to trendy locales. Not wealthy through their own efforts, they are highly demanding.
See: Italiana with beau both swimming in CHANEL and hair gel
by Pierre August 27, 2004
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The University of GAYgia, in Fagthens!
Go UF!!!!!! Beat UGA!!!!!!
by Pierre October 29, 2004
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the hottest mother fucka in all of Northern Kentucky..
2)The Dutchess of Awesome
Man oh man, that girl is almost as hot as Chelsey M!!!
by Pierre January 30, 2005
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One who situates their rear end directly over eggplant such that vertical displacement will result in the penetration of anus. Worded differently, a loser.
I can't stand him. He is such an eggplant squatter.

Some eggplant squatter broke into my car.

Filthy man. You were squatting again, weren't you?

One glance at her eggplants and we all knew immediately that they had been squatted.
by Pierre May 13, 2004
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Its when you have a long and noisy fart like not so far away thunder
Il Qahba xi karwat ganni
by Pierre October 12, 2004
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One of who finds enormous satisfaction in excreting the contents of their bowels into their under-garments. Typically, this is done in the vicinity of the public. Each volume of personal waste often has the soiler assume a feigned apologetic air.
"Oh for God sake, busy-bowels is at it again. Filthy little soiler" - Soiliceli: A Mother's Horror Story.

"With each expulsion, the soiler's face twisted and contorted as he endured the enormous muscular strain. Following the final copious release, his undergarments were found to be fully saturated with his organic waste. Traditionally, the final rectal stentorian roar is the most significant - marking the end of another instance of this archaic and obscure tradition." - David Suzuki, The Nature of Stool
by Pierre March 3, 2005
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