1 definition by PhattyD

A poser or a kook; someone who thinks they know it all, but really is clueless; a person who pretends to be something they are not; someone who adheres to the 'fake it 'till ya make it' mentality, but then never makes it; someone who carries a surfboard to pick up chicks at the beach, but can't actually surf; someone who tries to benefit from prestige or status associated with a stereotype without actually contributing to that stereotype; usually a lurp or lackey who thinks money and a stolen image can replace actual experience.
Wilbur: "Hey bebeh, I totally worked that tube like Kelly Slater. Did you see that cut I pulled on my boogie board, Duder?"

Chick: "Nuh-uh. But I really like your O'Neil wetsuit and your RonJon rash guard. And those three fins on your board are cute. You must 'boogie board' all the time. Do you use sex wax or wax-boy wax?"

Wilbur: "Uh... wax boy? Hey, you're kind of pretty - can I get your phone number?"

Real Surfer: "You aren't even wet yet. Get away from my Betty, freakin' butt-crumb Wilbur."
by PhattyD September 16, 2013
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