74 definitions by Peter Kobs

1. A technically bankrupt company that is kept alive with large infusions of government money for the sake of "stability" in the U.S. financial system. 2. A large financial company with negative net worth that continues to operate, despite having no clear path to solvency. 3. The UnDead of Wall Street.
"AIG is the premier example of a zombie company -- kept alive only by $120 billion in federal bailout money. Apparently, it's considered too large to fail."
by Peter Kobs March 9, 2009
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1. A politician who openly heckles, threatens or attacks the President of the United States on the House Floor during a joint session of Congress.

2. Any person who brazenly violates the code of civility and decorum of the U.S. House of Representatives, especially elected officials.

3. Rep. Joe Brown of South Carolina, who yelled "You lie!" at our first African-American President during his speech on health care to Congress on Sept. 9, 2009. (Brown's contention that the proposed health care reform bill would somehow insure illegal aliens was later deemed false on both FactCheck.org and Politifact.org.)
"Did you ever meet Joe Brown? He's that infamous House Heckler who called Obama a liar on the floor of Congress during a speech by the President."
by Peter Kobs September 10, 2009
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A perjorative term for "Evangelical" or someone who speaks with Evangelical fervor, especially a member of the Evangelical Christian right in the United States. This relatively new slang term is sometimes used by non-Evangelical Christians, as well as non-believers, to denote a shallow or knee-jerk kind of religious thinking that promotes an "us vs. them" worldwiew.

"Gellie" or "Gelly" is derived from the third syllable of EvanGELical. The word can have both playful and offensive connotations. It is related to the word "Fundie" for fundamentalist.
"That new mega-church in Colorado Springs is full of hand-waving gellies."
by Peter Kobs June 20, 2008
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1. A lightning-fast, incredibly accurate pass from Drew Brees, quarterback of the New Orleans Saints.

2. The weapon that propelled the Saints to victory in Superbowl XLIV.
The Colts thought they had the game sewn up in the first half until the Saints started pummeling them with a flury of Brees Bombs. By the end of the fourth quarter, the vaunted air war was over and New Orleans had won by 14 points. Who dat!
by Peter Kobs February 8, 2010
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1. A massive undersea oil plume that threatens to destroy marine life for thousands of square miles, even though it's not visible from the surface.

2. The biggest environmental threat from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

3. Out of sight, out of mind? Not so much.
The Doom Plume from BP's Deepwater Horizon pipe is spreading fast. It could reach as far as the Atlantic Coast of Florida and Mexico's Riviera Maya.
by Peter Kobs May 16, 2010
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1. The belief that you should reject anything proposed by another political party or group, no matter what it is or how it might benefit others.

2. A kneejerk reaction to anything that isn't "ideologically pure."

3. The attitude that you can honestly reject an idea even if you don't what it is -- or that you can reject a proposal without even reading it -- simply based on its origin.
Melvin is a perfect example of Rejectionism. He condemned the latest health care plan before it was even released -- in fact, before it was even written.
by Peter Kobs August 4, 2009
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Contrary to right-wing propaganda, a Republic is indeed a form of representative Democracy in which ordinary people elect officials to represent them in a legislature or parliament. Simply put, a Republic is the "what" and a Democracy is the "how." It's been that way since the Roman Republic was established in 509 B.C.

The notion that Democracy is a mob-rule involving direct citizen voting on every issue is a distortion spread by idiots like Tom Tancredo and radical ideologues like Pat Buchanan. They don't like the term "Democracy" because it reminds them of the Democratic party.

The opposite of a Republic is a Monarchy, not a Democracy.
"You know we have a Republic, not a Democracy, right?"

"You must be an intern at Fox News."
by Peter Kobs April 8, 2010
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