1 definition by PeteThePirate

The most under-rated form of movement in the existance of mankind.
Skipping was invented in 1405 by Fred Skippideo in Belgium and caused widespread panic amongst the Belgium-waffles.
Dubbed as "elegant as a mountain goat", "nimble as a gazzelle" and "fast as lightning". It's just that good!

Even though skipping is so damn fantastic, it is often mocked and shunned for being "girly" which is a damn lie.
Skipping also has a macho and manly side, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and even ex-British Primemister John Major, fully endorse skipping.

Next years London Marathon (not to be confused with the ex-chocolate bar) will not be run by Ian and Pete... it shall be skipped.
Skipped to raise awareness for skipping.

Skipping is under-rated and you know it.
Pete: Dude, we're going to be late back to Meridian! We're gonna have to run!
Ian: Running's for chumps, it requires too much effort and the speed acquired during running is unparalleled by that of skipping.
Pete: What are you sugesting?
Ian: Let us skip to Meridian! The speed, elegance, and grace form together to combine the perfect equilumbrium!
Pete: Damn dude, thats deep, meaningful, insightful and damn awesome, all in one.

*They skip to Meridian, in record time and with enough energy to spare to make more awesome Pop-Up Pirate X-Treme Belts.*
by PeteThePirate April 22, 2005
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