7 definitions by Person #37878678

a open world space game that has been in development for a long time and still in development. buying a really good ship will cost you a real $300 or more depends what you want. Just buy elite dangerous instead of star citizen
by Person #37878678 January 21, 2019
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“Fart” is a flammable gas that our bodies produce and eject which is often set on fire by some people

“Knock” comes from “engine knock” is when the fuel in an internal combustion engine prematurely combust in the cylinder (damages the engine)

fart knock” is when a person attempts to set their own fart on fire, but end up combusting his/her fart before it goes out of the anus, as a result, his/her anus is blowed up or barbecued from the combusting fart
My friend went to the hospital, because he tried to set his fart on fire, but ended up with Fart Knock
by Person #37878678 September 5, 2021
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The sibling you use to practice unethical and risky bedroom experiments such as sex, kissing, snogging, and worse stuff before doing it to your girlfriend or desired victim.
Me and my sister have been charged for incest since we both did redacted in the basement storage room
by Person #37878678 November 29, 2022
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Someone who watches porn 24/7 and can’t wait to fuck a girl, also very dramatic and a little insecure due to how much porn he watches. The bad things away now the good things. He is intelligent, reasonably kind and gets better when he gets older, a pretty good friend overall. Andres is not a Bad person, but his bad parts of him might be a concern until he is 30 years old, but after that, he is a cool guy
I met andres and he is a pretty cool guy
by Person #37878678 June 1, 2020
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An invasive coffee shop chain that is owned by a person like DOCTOR EVIL from AUSTIN POWERS.

Starbucks is known for doing the impossible by making their coffee and similar beverages that have the worst of both worlds by being low quality and paying a premium price and somehow being a very good seller while their better quality beverages are often an inferior seller.

One of Starbucks' most popular beverages as well as one of the low-quality beverages is their so-called frappuccinos which are basically half a glass/cup of ice cubes and the other half some dairy substance and flavoring put into a blender and served while being expensive. also tastes pretty grim because it is shards of ice and sweetened milk in a glass.
Person 1: My sister spent all her birthday money in a couple of weeks by going to Starbucks every day
by Person #37878678 September 2, 2021
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Baby on board stickers are stickers that you stick to the rear window of a car to indicate there is a baby in there.

the intention of the sticker was to indicate that there is a baby in the car so if the car ends up in an accident, people who see the sticker will take the baby out first as a priority. But no! this cringe that you stick to the rear window of your car makes every driver thinks you are one of these distracted rushing parents that are usually reckless at driving and don't want their insurance going up if they get them selves in an accident, they usually blame the other driver/s because "Baby on Board!" duhhh! Having that sticker on their car which makes the other driver/s the reckless twat/s on the road to them when it is the driver with the Baby on board sticker being the reckless cunt. When we see cars driving on the road with these stickers on, we try to stay away from them as much as possible.
Driver: Look there is a car with a baby on board sticker.

Passenger: stay at a safe distance from them, this driver is a reckless distracted cunt on the road, if he/she causes an accident with you, you will get all the blame because duhhhhh! "Baby on board!".
by Person #37878678 March 25, 2020
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A syndrome that’s identified with the symptoms of poor aim with a weapon (usually a gun), poor situational awareness, borderline useless tactics (such as not staying discreet), and 20/100+ vision (poor vision).

Basically the list of symptoms Stormtroopers suffer from Star Wars and is usually used to describe someone in a video game or in Laser tag.
This kid is so bad at Laser tag that he must be suffering from Stormtrooper Syndrome.
by Person #37878678 December 9, 2022
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