24 definitions by Persephone~

The name of a band I once had. Not to be confused with Maroon 5.
Maroon was doomed from the start.
by Persephone~ January 18, 2009
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I would rather marry the Jonas Brothers than listen to the Naked Brothers Band for .00000001 seconds.
by Persephone~ March 26, 2009
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A place where people used to go to learn slang terms, but now just a place where teens with no life go to use as a burn book.
Stupid teenagers keep putting nonsense on Urban Dictionary...
Persephone's Uncle, those losers.
by Persephone~ January 16, 2009
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Many Phangirls love Gerik because they love GB and they love Erik...
I, on the other hand, thought to myself, "What the hell were they thinking? Gerard Butler as Erik!?", until my friend Becca persuaded me to watch the movie.

I almost melted.

I am now a Gerik fan.

by Persephone~ July 15, 2009
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A phrase used when someone is annoyed and is in a situation where swearing is not allowed.
(in a daycare center)
*little kid drops rock on foot*
You: Ohh...Persephone's Uncle...that hurt!
by Persephone~ December 26, 2008
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What most female singer are. Seriously.
If one is a soprano, they can hit A 5 with no trouble at all.
If one is a full-soprano, they can hit C 5 with no trouble at all.
If one is a contralto, they can hit C2 with no trouble at all.
If you can't hit any of the above notes, you are a mezzo-soprano
by Persephone~ June 5, 2009
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Erik Destler and Madame Giry,
Superman and Wonder Woman,
Brian and Stewie,
Homer and Bart,
Evey and V,

...Examples of classic PIC's
by Persephone~ August 25, 2009
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