4 definitions by Pattyblades

Thinking a woman has an ugly face based on voice or body only to find she is smokin'.
That new bitch has anIcantbelieveitsnotbutterface.
by Pattyblades August 10, 2006
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Marijuna. Trees = arbor = pot
Man 1: I heard your looking to buy?
Man 2: Yeah I need a dub of arbor.
Man 1: Word.
by Pattyblades April 4, 2008
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Term used by the homeless Philedelphian Willey James Huff in conjuction with rackem rack. The meaning is unknown but is still hilarious and can be seen in a collection of videos on YouTube.com.
Racke' rack, rackem' rack, RACKBAR!
by Pattyblades November 15, 2006
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1. An oversized clitoris "clit". Noticable from cunnilings.
1. Dude, Jamie had a monster clit man.
by Pattyblades July 30, 2006
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