3 definitions by Patrick F...

Slang term for cum
Refers to the fact that cum is sticky, like glue as well as the high prevalence of hookers in Hong Kong
I gave that bitch some dental shots of Hong Kong glue.
by Patrick F... September 13, 2008
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pronounced ring-zy-uh-tee
When you think you hear your phone ringing or feel it vibrating, when its really not.
May be caused by anticipating an important phone call.
Comes from the words ringing + anxiety
I could have sworn I felt my phone vibrating, I guess I have ringxiety
by Patrick F... August 19, 2008
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Cool, Awesome, Impressive
Can also be used to refer to something fun/exciting
Commonly precedes the words "as hell" or "as fuck" such as "chik as fuck"
1. That shirt is chik as hell
2. Waking up at 7am is not chik
3. That drink tastes chik as fuck

by Patrick F... July 23, 2008
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