2 definitions by PatD

To just chill out, hang around, relaxed, laid back, not doing something.
Someone who's looking somewhat high, but nobody's quite sure. There is confusion involved also.
See chill.
1. Get off, I'm just jimmin' here!

2. Most of the time, Sarah just jims around, doing nothing.

3. Quit Jimmin', we'z gots work to do.
by PatD September 17, 2003
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One who jims a lot.
A person who's chillin, hanging out, takin' it cool, laid back, looking high, enjoying whatever.

see: jim, jimming
1. That guy is one damn jimmer.

2. Get off my lawn, jimmers!

3. Look at that cool jimmer, takin' it smoove and all.
by PatD September 17, 2003
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