65 definitions by Pantaloon

The name of Arnold Schwarzenegger's grade school lover from his early days in Austria. During the filming of "The Terminator," AS was reported to be still distraught, even years later, over the bitter ending of this romance, and was forever uttering the boy's name. James Cameron, in perhaps one of the most brilliant moments in cinema history, decided to put one outtake into the film, where they were adjusting the lighting, and Arnold was waiting simply waiting on his mark for the next take. This moment captured on film is perhaps the quintessential expression of Man's existential aloneness in the universe, and AS's eventual destruction of the set in the name of Albee seems only fitting in retrospect.
Albee Beck had a tight ass, back in der Tag.
by Pantaloon January 18, 2008
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The act of squeezing off a few fresh finless brown trout into the bowl. Essential for the overall health of the ecosystem.
He hadn't shat for days, but the water would be teaming with fresh finless browns when he went to stock the pond.
by Pantaloon January 9, 2008
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1)short for double blue veiner, when one becomes so engorged that two blue veins can be seen clearly in dim lighting. Often used as a metaphor for great achievement.
2)The 23rd letter of the alphabet, spoken by someone with a fat lip or recent dental work.
1)When Martha hobbled into the room in her leather cap and boots, Jacob produced his first double blue since the great depression.
2)Beth believed Iwo was proclaiming his love for her after their passionate night of karaoke and love-making, but he was simply spelling his name. She was blissfully unaware of the root canal he had gotten just prior to their date, and suggested he attempt to give her a pink sock, with his small but insistant double blue.
by Pantaloon January 24, 2008
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A dump which is able to support itself and rise above the typical average water level in a toilet. An outstanding achievement, the performer is encouraged to bring others in to witness. Photographs do not have the same impact.
He was able to break the water line with a single chute of feces. They carried from the field that day.
by Pantaloon January 9, 2008
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What you get when you dive into icy cold water. The balls snap up through the abdominal cavity and come to rest in the thorax.
The water was so cold, Charlie got chesticles. his Speedo flat as a Ken doll.
by Pantaloon February 10, 2008
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similar to taste the rainbow, the man uses his penis in the same manner as the classic candy machine. Not sure why he would want to do this, but it's always great fun at parties, and allows for hands free snack delivery.
Some of the younger kids at the concert missed the cultural reference when Jim dropped trou and gave em the ol' Pez Dispenser. One of them even had the nerve to yell out "Thanks for the gumball, Mickey!" As Jimmy flicked a few treats in his direction. As if he would ever put gumballs into his dick. Who would be crazy enough to do that?
by Pantaloon January 18, 2008
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They rented a piece of Euro Trash, that managed to carry them around the country, but pressing half the buttons only caused things like mirrors and door handles to fall off.
by Pantaloon January 9, 2008
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