65 definitions by Pantaloon

1)a possessive form of the airline abbreviation
2)The plural of "twat"
3)A toast made a bit later in the evening.
1)You're supposed to give those headphones back to the Stewardess, they're TWAs.
2)I paid the ladies ahead of time for my favorite holiday pastime. Twas, the night before Christmas.
3)First round- to your beauty and my wit.(Drink)
Second round-to a lovely evening! (Drink)
Third round- to you- what's your name again?(they drink)
Eight round- Twas! (spill, then find mouth)
by Pantaloon January 3, 2008
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What the drive-thru cashier must smoke in order to suggest super-sizing your meal 5000 times a shift,25000 times a week, millions of times a year,billions and billions served.
"Welcome to Mcdonald's. Can I take your order? **snort**"
My mother-in-law and I gave each other a knowing look. The loudspeaker snort was a dead give-away for Mcfatty inhalation. We bummed a couple of tokes in order to keep quiet, and then headed to the motel with our post-coital snack.
by Pantaloon January 24, 2008
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The penile geyser of manjuice that overfloweth upon orgasm.
He neglected to mention the depth and breadth of his splume, nor the angle of approach. She got home from the prom wearing his adolescent glaze.
by Pantaloon January 7, 2008
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means of solving all criminal cases, no other police work is required.
1)Grissom solved the case and asked Caruso to guess how he did it. "Not DNA again!" He bellowed.
by Pantaloon January 7, 2008
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the act of giving oral sex in order to hide ones inablility to summon an erection. Named for the character from Happy Days.
Joanie (spread eagle and signalling Ralph Malph to plow her)- Come on, Malphie, gimme the high hard one.
Ralph - Uh, Joannie, Uh, aren't we moving a little fast?
Joanie- you sound like Chachi, ya big wuss. Whip it out, goddammit!
Ralph - (gazing wildly about till he remembers how he solved this with Potsie just last week. Nods.)Aha!
(laugh track)(bends over into Joanie's lap and buries his face in her little Mrs. C. Note to director: Remember this is supposed to be the fifties and it's network television. Ralph's face must be surrounded by Joanie's ungroomed muskpelt in order to get past the censors.)
Joanie- Unngh!(Leans back and smiles)
(laugh track chuckles and full roars as this goes on for awhile. Joanie checks her watch- laugh track).
Joanie- (Winces)Hey, Ralphie, it's not a punching bag!
Ralph- (Through his teeth) I still got it!
(Applause, fadeout, roll credits).
by Pantaloon January 28, 2008
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The penis of the character of Mr. Cunningham from the television show "Happy Days."
Mrs. C.- Oh, Howard, I want you to stick me with your Cunningham till it stinks.
Mr. C.- What else would I do, Marion?
Joanie- If you don't know Dad, I feel sorry for you.
Mr. C.- Joanie, go to your room!
Joanie- Why do I always have to go to my room everytime you take your dick out?
by Pantaloon January 28, 2008
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The darkened skin area around the vagina which leaves one with the impression that a muddy boot had recently trod upon it. Often called a muddy bootprint
When Tatiana fell on her ass, the muddy boot was peering out the sides of her thong. The image stalked Jonah's thoughts like an angry lumberjack.
by Pantaloon January 9, 2008
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