11 definitions by Paixx

A persons equal. Neither superior or inferior. Often a friend or partner.
Girl: "I love Jimmy, he's my total semblable!"
by Paixx May 12, 2015
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Abdominal thrusts to prevent someone from choking or to stop them choking.
Person 1: *chokes*
Person 2: "allow me to give you the Heimlich maneuver"
by Paixx May 11, 2015
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A note or certificate saying that a student is sick and can't go to an exam
Greg: "Hey Tim, I'm sick, can you please forge me an aegrotat"
by Paixx May 12, 2015
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A small city of 42,000 on the East coast of Australia. Known for its great beaches. The 'retirement capital' of Australia. Part of the Hastings.
"Where should I go for a holiday?"

"Port Macquarie"
by Paixx May 6, 2015
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A tool to measure how strong acids are
Yo breath so bad I could measure it with an acidimeter
by Paixx May 11, 2015
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To do with planes. Pretty much flying a plane.
Aviators are the people who fly planes, or sunnies. Aviation is for the elite.
by Paixx May 5, 2015
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A phenotype is a physical trait which can be seen from the outside, eg blonde hair, blue eyes.

A genotype can not be seen from the outside and is purely genetic, eg. Blood Type A
Jock: Look at that hot gurl!
Nerd: Never seen phenotypes like that b4!
by Paixx May 28, 2015
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