21 definitions by Paddy O'Mally

A "Bad Vagina". It Consists of Amazon Furs, Swamp Slops, Grizzly Teeth, Granny Sags. There is such a thing as a bad vagina.
guy 1:"Dude theres no such thing as a bad vagina! any vagina is good vagina!"
guy 2:"Yes there is, its called a bagina. Its a wet, sloppy, saggy, jungle hairy vagina. On odd occasions, it even has teeth."
Guy 1: "...Oh."
by Paddy O'Mally May 18, 2008
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Canada's Giagantic Superweaon,
CN Tower can fire lasers out of the tip of the tower, bouncing off of a satelight mirror in the sky and can hit anywhere in the world at any given time.

the hudsons bay is actually consealing a gigantic solar pannel which absorbs sunlight and converts it into energy which is stored inside the sky dome (rogers center) , which can then be channeled to the CN tower to fire whenever Canada is in a crisis.
The CN Tower is the most powerful weapon on Earth.
by Paddy O'Mally February 10, 2009
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instead of using breadcrumbs or flour for batter to fry the chicken in,
grind cheese nips into a power and coat it in that instead.

fry till a nice golden orange/yellow colour, bake for another 20 mins till cooked and you're ready to go (Y)
How was the cheese nip fried chicken yesterday?
by Paddy O'Mally January 23, 2009
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Grab Collar Punch Face, a phrase that can get you out of any situation. Or make the one you're in worse.

Simply , you grab the person who's giving you trouble by the collar, punch that sunbitch in the face, and run.


If people are chasing you, Start running, while your running grab someone by the collar and punch them in the face, thus plopping them senselessly on the ground making an obstacle for the people chasing you.
to be used when someone is talking shit and they need to be silenced. Or when you're fleeing for your life.
"This guy owed Jim money and wouldn't pay up, so Jim went to that motherfuckers house and GCPF'd him right in front of all his kids and his wife, took the money and dipped".
by Paddy O'Mally May 25, 2008
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Throwing a flashbang grenade at someone, having sex with them, and then giving a them a magical money shot to the face. So when they recover from the flashbang and can see again, they dont notice they're walking around with semen on theirface.
Person 1 : hahaha look at that dude hes got jizz on his face and he cant see where hes goign!
Person 2: Perhaps he was hit with Flashbangsexmagic
by Paddy O'Mally October 4, 2008
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That actor that all the ladies love. He Can charm any woman, he can turn lesbians straight, and straigt men gay. His name is impossible to spell. I'm surprised you found this definition. He Plays the same role in every movie : Ladies Man. Except in Reign Of Fire. He was a badass in that movie.
Girl1: matthew mcconaughey Is so sexy!
Guy1: I know!
by Paddy O'Mally June 12, 2008
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A Text Based version of the Vulcan Salute from Star Trek, meaning "Live Long, and Prosper."
Person 1: Hey Steve

Steve: Hey man \\//
by Paddy O'Mally May 8, 2009
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