37 definitions by PRETTY IN COPPER

A hair accessory u pin into ur hair that consists of feathers
I like that featherpin the wild feather colors match ur outfit and it's cool how it is pinned into ur ponytail
by PRETTY IN COPPER January 31, 2017
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Babystewie means....
A baby that believes adults
Better hear their thoughts but
Yelling and screaming is what comes out
So adults can see them thoughts

Ticking in the babies head
Even looks like she says dam u u woman
World domination Is possible
Including the baby talking to animals
Eliminating ur thoughts in a instant

Babystewie is a baby that believes that you can hear their thoughts
Everyone has baby in their life that acts like a babystewie
by PRETTY IN COPPER February 13, 2017
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key to my heart....
Is literally... a key worn ....close to someones heart ....that you gave them... they carry the one and only key.... to open ur heart
Wow u still have the key to my heart around ur neck....its been a year...and we r both still waiting......
by PRETTY IN COPPER July 27, 2017
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fuckturd.... a turd (aka bowel movement.. a shit...a crap...a poop) fuckturd...is a turd named by its owner fuckturd..is a turd that changed its path going out.....

Fuckturd...is a turd that can do reverse fuckturd.....is a turd that does reverse as soon as it gets interrupted

fuckturd... is a turd that gets interrupted and goes in reverse
Hey did everything come out all right he asked me....well no...it was a fuckturd...dont interrupt me when i am taking a crap
by PRETTY IN COPPER June 24, 2017
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FBIS...stands for
FINE Beautiful Inside System..
FBIS..unknown to most..
FBIS..earn respect with honor..
FBIS..protect all with honor..
FBIS..disorganize to reorganize order...
FBIS..are queen like..very quick mouths
FBIS..goal to help the lost..quietly
A FBIS is beautiful inside and out...A FBIS...will be a neck..and shiwhow a disorganized group a reason to reorganize somewhere else...FBIS..speak just and upright like a Quenn..FBIS..seek for others that are lost..
by PRETTY IN COPPER May 10, 2017
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Honorable is actually a visible moral charecteristic that is witnessed by others....
Honorable is honoring the words that you speak...
Others can visually see an Honorable or unhonorable person...
Being Honorable is...
If you make a statement with your mouth that you will do something for yourself or others...

YOU ACTUALLY DO IT and others see your words come to life...
This is what makes someone Honorable
Honorable is with all walks of life..Some good some bad some ugly...Honorable people put actions to there words...just cause you say it...good bad or ugly..if you don't do it...your are just not Honorable...
by PRETTY IN COPPER January 31, 2017
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When a small business owner says to a customer...
U can b a workin'
The business owner is implying they told the customer i am busy...but i will work u in...
Workin' means the business owner is gonna work later work harder for the customer even if it means till midnight....
WORKIN'....does not mean FASTER
If a business owner is busy and lets u be worked in..it neans they care enough to work tough for u that day....and out of respect u as the customer u need to have same due respect dont rush the job to fit ur schedule...small business means free enterprise.... go somewhere else.....
Workin'..workin extea for a customer that leads to a more personal relationship
I thought u closed at 530....uhmmmn if i am busy how can i.....just cause u r a workin and i told u i was busy... does not mean i will rush cause next thing is u will bitch about my work and that ur dog was here all day...look for happy or look for bad spoiled people...if u got to be a workin'hey u got what u wanted just not on ur time....
by PRETTY IN COPPER June 6, 2017
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