1 definition by POPO ZAO

A small town in North Western Pennsylvania known for its meth, ganja, and grapes. Every Winter Mother Nature takes a four foot shit of snow on this town and the schools never close as long as the superintendant can get there in her four-wheel drive SUV.

Downtown consists of a pop machine and fat ass cops busting kids for skating and smoking reefer and loitering around the few small pieces of civilization that exist.

This town is the Pennsylvania capitol for beaners and degos. Every person is related in some way or another and indulges in incestuous sex at one point in their lives. There also is a pizza shop on every corner and an italian resturaunt on top of every pizza shop.

Most likely the most shit-ass town you will ever pass through on your way to the even shittier Erie, or Buffalo, NY.
Damn, Joe! I just passed through the most Shit-Ass town, North East, on the way to Buffalo! I just saw Lucy having sex with her sons,rolling around in dego grease and pepperoni balls!
by POPO ZAO January 22, 2009
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