37 definitions by PDXJohnny99

Basically, give something or someone a chance before you put it down.
1. Carl: I'm never watching Game of Thrones... I don't like fantasy.

Carol: Game of Thrones is the best show ever. Ever.

Carl: Shoot. I knocked it... before I rocked it.

2. Stan: I hate to think I'd ever eat sautéed pig stomach... it sounds gross.

Deborah: It's actually okay. My aunt makes it on Thanksgiving.

Stan: Fuck. Seriously???

Deborah: Don't knock it 'til you rock it.

3. Vern: WOW crack IS powerful.

Bert: Goddamn right it's powerful. Don't ever knock it til you rock it. Fucker.
by PDXJohnny99 November 3, 2015
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Typical reaction when someone does something to themselves that is completely painful yet insanely cool.
Boggs: My buddy got Converse All Stars shoes tattooed on both his feet.
Goz: What the shit? His whole feet?
Boggs: Fuck yeah! His feet look like two pairs of Chucks.
Goz: Wowch! That is soooo gnarley, no pain no gain!
by PDXJohnny99 May 7, 2013
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Pronounced the same as 'Martyr'.

An avid fan of Bill Maher. Maher is an American stand-up comedian, television host, political commentator, author and actor. He is the host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher".

Maher is known for his sarcastic attitude, quick wit, political and social satire and sociopolitical commentary, which targets a wide range of topics including religion, politics, bureaucracies of many kinds, political correctness, and describes himself as "A truth lover".
Kaufman: Bill Maher is the man. The most truthful guy on TV. He is the truth.
Shell: I wouldn't go that far.
Kaufman: All he cares about is calling these hypocrites out on their bullshit. You're just jealous I'm a Maherter.
Shell: Oh, so you're a martyr now too?
Kaufman: I have been for years.
Shell: What the hell makes you a martyr?
Kaufman: Uhhh... you want a laudry list? Who's a bigger Maherter than me?
Shell: O.M.G. I'm going home. I've got to catch Fox News.
by PDXJohnny99 May 3, 2013
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An intervention by family and friends with the intent of reaching out emotionally to a troubled individual, but it goes terribly wrong and ends up in possible arguments, anger, vulgarities, screaming, fist-fights, and visits to the nearest emergency room.
Uncle Bobby's intervention didn't go well this morning. We started with a prayer and it turned out he was on PCP and punched Aunt Angie in the face and kicked his buddy Mike in the groin. Then he grabbed their dog Ladie and dropkicked it across the living room. It turned out to be a fucking aggrovention.
by PDXJohnny99 April 15, 2013
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"Everyone gets 15 minutes of fame." 
-Andy Warhol

Derived from the quote of Andy Warhol, this term is directed to reality tv or YouTube type "celebrities" who gain recognition and publicity from their (often accidental) video submissions. The use of the word 'frames' is an allusion to the frame speed of video cameras, where 30 frames per second or 24 frames per second is standard speed for consumer/prosumer cameras, thus 15 frames of fame would equal half a second of fame.
Jason uploaded a video of his terrier "Murf". The video was recorded as the dog was eating cat poop from the litter box. Jason then yelled at the dog and it instantly took a dump in said litter box... then sniffed its own poop but was offended by the smell. Within days Jason's video went viral. His 15 frames of fame.
The buzz died and Jason was terrified his celebrity was at an end. He made many, many attempts to train his dog to do a multitude of things with cat poop but alas the dog proved it was a one trick phony. Murf only ate shit.
by PDXJohnny99 April 20, 2013
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A person who is not only a big mouth, but one that can't stop talking about themselves. Every conversation seems to loop back to 'them'.
Jesse: So, this has been the week from hell.
Chad: Fuuuuck... I've been there, I know what you're going through.
Jesse: Uggghh. My wife threatened to divorce me on Tuesday.
Chad: Oh, I went on a date last week... and she would not put out. Fuck that chick!
Jesse: Then my car's transmission went out.
Chad: Fuuuuck. I had a flat last month. Took AAA almost an hour to fix it.
Jesse: And my dog died.
Chad: Fuuuuuuuck. I know man. I had a goldfish die on me when I was ten.
Jessie: Your fucking goldfish?? You... you are a self-centered metamouth!! My God! Why do I come here every week?? You're the worst shrink I ever had.
by PDXJohnny99 April 22, 2013
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Parkour: holistic training for humans.
Puppy: a young doggie, a spaz.

When you get an untrained puppy and the motherfucker goes completely batshit insane every waking moment.
Jaylene: oh... I'm so glad school is out. Let's watch tv. 
Jane: what was that?? 
Jaylene: oh... my new puppy. Bouncing off a wall.... or the couch... or... 
Jane: I haven't seen him yet... 
Jaylene: Every minute or so he'll hit a wall and slide down. That's the best time to see him. 
Jaylene: Puppy Parkour... what can I say? 
Jane: What breed is he? 
Jaylene: Part Chihuahua... part Pug.... part retard. He's a designer breed.
by PDXJohnny99 April 28, 2013
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