28 definitions by P. Kaltenbach

Quite literally the acronym for an elite special forces unit in France (Commando de Reconnaissance et d'Action en Profondeur), which is pretty ironic.
CRAP are especially adapted to war in that they retreat indefinetly instead of outright surrendering. This makes them the best of the best in France
by P. Kaltenbach April 6, 2008
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1. When someone runs up on you with the intention of whipping ass and you side step then throw them down and beat the shit out of them.
2. The name given to when a chick tricks you into having sex with her on her period because like a bull you where tricked into trying to penetrate something red and undesirable.
1. Warren: I am going to get you mofo!
Me (after kicking some ass): You just got yourself the matador douche bag.
2. Nate: How was it?
Me: She gave me the matador treatment!
Nate: O, damn i hope you bought new sheets.

by P. Kaltenbach December 6, 2007
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Somehow very misconstrued in the American politic system because liberalism at least in the original sense despised government intervention (aka handouts) and various other modern day tenets of liberalism in the US. They believe in individual freedoms, laisse-faire economics, property rights, and limited government. The closest to true liberalism that you will get in the US is probably liberatiarinism but there are still some differences there.
If you want to see true liberals read Adam Smith, Voltaire, or Tom Paine.
by P. Kaltenbach December 23, 2007
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An indingenious group of small blue people that live primarily in the jungles of Columbia. Their traditional dress which isn't very adapted to the needs of concealment is the white stocking cap and white painter trousers. They are usually reconized as Hugonauts. Also, chased around by a crazy Columbian trying to boil them down into cocaine to make a living.
The smurfs were actually a peace loving people until divisions over whether to embark on a "cleansing" to wipe out bourgeouis scum should occur.
by P. Kaltenbach January 7, 2008
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Someone who can sustain several concussions and still manage to go to the pub after running for 80 minutes while tackling men that look like they have taken steroids since 3. Also, known for their ability to engage in sex for long periods of time and pleasure their partners to the utmost.
The team of ruggers went to the bar after playing in 105 degree weather while being practically beat up and pleased the entire 18-25 year old female population of Sweden.
by P. Kaltenbach December 23, 2007
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A profession that isn't easy because it requires marketing, accounting, management, and collection duties beyond what most people are capable of.
That pimp no only got his money but prefected his buisness skills.
by P. Kaltenbach April 30, 2008
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A car usually driven by yuppies and expensive as hell to get repairs on. However, very solid design although not really roomy.
A Saab is a fun car to drive except when you are 6'4
by P. Kaltenbach April 30, 2008
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