60 definitions by P

The Best damm country musician in history
When I get home I,m gonnan get drunk and play some hank.
by P July 7, 2003
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A very small south american boy who gets lots of females.
Hey! Its Diogo!
by P May 16, 2003
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something you say to someone you haven't seen for a while or don't know too well to end a conversation.
Hey Jam! Haven't seen you since you and Sara broke up. What's up? We should do something sometime.
by P April 28, 2004
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a kappa wearing wee slut with a whole lot of attitude and about fifty bobbles in her hair and caked in orange make-up.

usual accessories are cigarettes, large circular dangly ear-rings, and a baby in her early teens, the father of which is an eternal mystery.

usually in every city but by different names, this refers to those in derry, ireland, mainly from the bog and galliagh areas amongst others.
oh my God that wee slut has slept with half the city, and shes wearing that tracky again, majella!

are ye fuckin startin, hi?!

whaddaboutye? hi!
by P November 15, 2003
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-Person who has leetness written all over him. Extreme succesfull in anything he does. A lot of people would kill themselves to be him.
-I'd love to be Tycu
-Man you're so Tycu (=man you're cool)
by P August 8, 2004
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Legs in the air, hands behind your back
Yea, I did that skank G-style last night
by P February 3, 2003
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portsmouth = sk8 motha fukers
1-look at dat fukin sk8 overthere.
2-yeah he looks like a cunt
by P March 6, 2005
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