37 definitions by P'tainz

(n.) eggs, as pronounced by dads; the way dads pronounce the word "eggs"; similar to dads' pronunciations of yogurt and apples (e.g. yogewt, appoes)
When Dad called on his way over, he said, "I stopped by Modaoe and I'm bringin' some aewggs."
by P'tainz January 27, 2013
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1. a. A person of mixed European and Native American heritage or descent who rambles in his/her speech, b. eats an inordinant amount of carrots, or c. cramps the bug.

2. Harsh sun

3. Withered corn stalk
1.a) That ol' horn mestizo is really annoying, and if he don't shut his trap soon, I'm gonna lamblast the son'u'bitch
1.b) The horn mestizo over there sure can eat alotta them carrots
1.c) Check out that friggin' horn mestizo!

2. I grew increasingly hot in the horn mestizo.

3. The shanks of the horn mestizo ruffled in the rising wind.
by P'tainz March 9, 2011
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A term used to desribe someone who is a writer, though more frequently someone who fashions him/herself a writer but really isn't, or is not a very good one; derived from the name Ernest Hemingway, famed American novelist and story writer, but with the "g" removed to give it a colliquial informal feel, suggesting its ironic nature.
Ol' Heminway over there is writing all the time; too bad it's all drivel! That schmuck thinks he's going to be the next great novelist.
by P'tainz October 6, 2010
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1. (noun) A weakling or a meek individual; one perceived as being weak either in physical prowess or character

syn.: fairy, pussy, faggot, pansy, sissy

2. (noun) A term of endearment, normally used to address either a young child or an intimate female friend by a male person

syn.: dear, sweetie, honey, lovey, bitts
1. "That bitch won't stop cryin'. Damn, he ain't nothin' but a lil' puss."

2. "Hey, lovey. You're my sweet lil' puss.
by P'tainz January 23, 2013
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Nuts, testicles; most frequently used to explain situations in which a guy gets it in the balls.
Oof! Uuuggghhhh... I just got it in the clams.
by P'tainz October 6, 2010
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1. (v.) defecate, crap, poop (grunts, grunted)

2. (n.) crap, poop, turd

syn: poop (n.,v.); log, load (n.)
1. I grunted after the big lunch.

2. Byrne left a big grunt in the can.
by P'tainz May 9, 2019
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