1 definition by Ozzkev55

A band composed of two people, Jack and Meg White. Jack White, the bands founder has been influenced heavily by southern blues. Jack also used his wifes very primitive drum playing in his songs, which makes for a very simple, and easy-to-listen to beat(though this can sometimes be repetitive). The use of extremely low quality sound recording, gives a vintage sound to the band(though it does take away from the vocals a bit). The bands name comes from a speech given by Goerge Washington, when he described the nations flag saying

"We take the stars from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing Liberty"
Lets keep peppermints in a tray on our coffee table...because they have white stripes, like the band
by Ozzkev55 October 3, 2005
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