13 definitions by Ozone

The absolute coolest way to play the piano. First comes piano, then electric synth, than keytar. 6-year olds complaining about not liking piano lessons: Don't worry you'll be grateful in the future.
My Korg RK-100 keytar is off the hook and all because of the piano lessons I took from the ages of 5 to 13.
by Ozone August 7, 2004
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A huge waste of American money where big headed dead republican Ronald reagan's 200 pound body was brought from California to DC for three days, they had a corny Christian funeral (where many had a chance to shoot George W. Bush) then brought back to CA where they did the same thing and then he was buried and sent to hell.
My mother was watching the Reagan funeral all week and I missed South Park!
by Ozone June 15, 2004
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One who plays the electric keyboard, who can imitate any sound, give atmosphere to any music, and stays in one place (unless using a keytar), so is easily crowded by girls.
The guitarist of the band left the stage in anger after seeing the keyboardist ripping his solo with seventeen girls around him.
by Ozone February 13, 2005
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A word said by someone parodying another. How Landon kids make fun of "nerds"
by Ozone May 17, 2004
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Comes from the 1960s as a band who would write songs about and use drugs while on and offstage. These guys were awesome, especially if they have the ability to perform while high. If they overdose though, they're screwed.
Pink Floyd comes to mind when you talk about stoner bands.

Man, Jimi Hendrix is awesome! He played while he was high the other day and it was amazing!

It's too bad the guy from Pink Floyd got kicked out for overdosing on LSD.
by Ozone January 8, 2005
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The most often subject discussed on internet forums, usually by people who want to seem cool but sadly have nothing better to do.
Yah my girlfriend and i got soooo high and went to some concert i hav no idea what it was but anyway i gotta go i think my mom...i mean my grrlfriend iz calling me.
by Ozone March 31, 2006
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