43 definitions by Oscar

It's 1:15pm time for our daily meeting
by Oscar February 6, 2004
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The sharp, stinging ache that occurs in the penis after either a long, furious wank, or a series of many short quick wanks.
Feels as though the penis is changing shape- hence the term 'Toblerone'
"Man, i beat off so much last night i got a Toblerone!"
by Oscar September 2, 2004
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Shitty sinkerballer for the red Sox. He likes too suck gigantic gorrila penis. He has a beard so nobody notices the gorilla cum on his mouth. He always blows and is fucking the Red Sox as we speak. He especially enjoys licking the hair off the testicles of donkeys
Joe:Did you get some Derek Lowe last night
Sean:OH YeaH!
by Oscar September 18, 2004
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A female who is very sexually appealing. On a scale of one to ten she would have to be a 12 in order to be a siad.
Amanda is so fine, she is definately a siad!
by Oscar March 14, 2005
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A blunt force to the vaginal area causing much discomfort.
Lauren nailed Amanda with t a huge twat shot
by Oscar March 14, 2005
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