255 definitions by OneBadAsp

A user of LSD. Based on the term 'pot head', but for LSD instead of pot.
Paul was an acid head and enjoyed tripping on LSD.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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A feeling often accompanied by sadness, shame, and guilt; regret is when you wish you had done things differently in your past.
"I have many regrets in life, but you were not one of them."
by OneBadAsp November 4, 2006
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An English Naturalist who was the author of “Origin of Species” as well as several other books. Charles Darwin revolutionized biology with the scientific theory of evolution. Evolution is Descent with modification. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species. This is a scientific fact and the theory of evolution has never been disproved much as some would like to see that happen.

For some reason this inspires great hostility among people who have obviously never read or done research on evolution. (As evidenced by the questions about why are there still apes. Answer: Evolution isn’t a ladder, it more like a tree that has many branches. Humans didn’t evolve from modern day apes such as chimpanzees… humans and chimps have a common ancestor. The descendents of that common ancestor split off into different species over millions of years. )
Charles Darwin had ten children, three of whom died early. Many of his surviving children and their grandchildren would later achieve notability themselves.
by OneBadAsp November 3, 2006
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A man that thinks of nothing but sex.
Danny is a bedbug, he won't stop bugging Cheryl to sleep with him.
by OneBadAsp October 28, 2006
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A slang term for someone who uses opium in any of its forms. Based on the word 'pot head' for marijuana users.
Alex is a poppy head because she likes to smoke opium.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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A badge of martyrdom. Men who spend their most of their time whining about how women “just want to date jerks”. Oblivious to the fact that no one finds people who feel sorry for themselves attractive, much less people who blame others for their lack of success. Most self proclaimed “nice guys” are just as self-centered and misogynistic as the jerks they gripe about, they are just much more spineless. To stupid to figure why women don’t find them attractive, they conclude that in order to get laid they must treat a woman like shit.

They tend to befriend women with the expectation that women owe them something more than friendship, then get all pissed off when the women tells them she’s not interested. Often going after women who are already in relationships, they misrepresent their intentions and try to use emotional manipulation and the facade of friendship as an excuse to get closer to them and score with them.

The sort of man who will give my definition a thumbs down. :)
Nice Guy: Why don’t women date nice guys like me?
Honest Girl: Because, you have no self-esteem and you have to blame other’s for your problems.
by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006
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Any type of cheap fast food, to fill you up and take the hunger away.
Toby is going to McDonalds to get some Gutt Waddin.
by OneBadAsp October 25, 2006
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