29 definitions by One little hellian

A place you never want to go. You are a supposive young adult there. When you get in trouble for something that you didn't even do you get locked in a small ass room that gets to a fucking 100 degrees fahrenheit. Sometimes half the shit you get in trouble doesn't even make any fucking sense. For example if you just are asking some lady if she is going to become a school shooter you will get in trouble. I wonder if the principal is a pedophile since the girls who look attractive and look good get away with just about every fucking thing.Even if they did something and need to be disciplined they still don't .Evidence.
To sum it all up if you want a better education and your attending oil city area high school, then get the fuck out and run while you have the fucking chance. If you don't attend this school and plan to don't. Trust me youll be better in the long.
by One little hellian November 13, 2017
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Thing that you can play a prank on and gross everybody out.
take a mayonnaise jar and clean it out. Put vanilla pudding in it and take it to school and eat the vanilla pudding in front of everybody. You will see what I mean everyone will think it is mayonaise but really it is just vanilla pudding.
by One little hellian February 10, 2017
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The thing that scares you awake in school.
Little boy: ZZZZZZZZ
Little boy: Oh shit
by One little hellian February 10, 2017
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A place where people go for pornwatching while trying to desperately look up answers. Also a place where desperate men try to go and literally get laid by some girl who would rather fuck herself than that fucker on the internet who is in england.
by One little hellian February 23, 2017
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