39 definitions by Olly J

common mispelling of "Whales"

also, home land of the welsh. a load of ginger cunts with annoying accents whose national pastimes include picking daffodils, shoving leeks up their arses, sheep shaggin and naming their children "gweneth"
for examples of the shittyness of wales go see "the valleys", north of newport / cardiff.

"n take a bat with ye boyo"
by Olly J February 22, 2005
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noun. a town located in the northwest of the san fernando valley. chatsworth borders on the hills that make up the north edge of the valley. It is next to west hills, canoga park and northridge.

Chatsworth is home to the largest porn industry in the world (vivid entertainment, legend video, etc.). check your porn, i bet a bunch of it was produced and printed/distributed from this very town!

Their freeway is the 118. in the hills there are some rich-ass communities, some gated ones, some not. on the valley floor things are pretty middle class.

for some reason lots of the news stations measure the temperature of the west valley (or sometimes even the whole valley) in chatsworth.
when you hear about someone "filming a movie" in "a mansion in chatsworth" you know it's worth peeking over the fence for a bit

see also "mansion in the valley"
by Olly J March 14, 2005
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The mythical figure said to visit stoners that have been good in the last Weed Year, leaving them presents on 4/20 eve to reward them for their good behavior.

Ganja Claus is most often pictured as a jolly old rasta with long dredlocks, dressed head to toe in green. Rumours state that he flies through the sky on a lawn chair pulled by 8 giant sloths
dude: "you gonna roll another one?"
other dude: "nah we've only got a ten bag left any dan will need a spliff after work..."
dude: "wow man, that's nice of you. I hope Ganja Claus is watching..."
by Olly J April 16, 2007
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The mythical figure said to visit stoners that have been good in the last Weed Year, leaving them presents on 4/20 eve to reward them for their good behavior.

Ganja Claus is most often pictured as a jolly old rasta with long dredlocks, dressed head to toe in green. Rumours state that he flies through the sky on a lawn chair pulled by 8 giant sloths
dude: "you gonna roll another one?"
other dude: "nah we've only got a ten bag left and dan will need a spliff after work..."
dude: "wow man, that's nice of you. I hope Ganja Claus is watching..."
by Olly J October 9, 2007
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the name for the more desparate-sexual partner/date-hunting side of myspace.com

coming from the slang terminology "meatmarket".
dude1: "yeah this chick is totally hot man, i'm gonna chat with her again"
dude2: "what, is this another one you met on meatspace?"
by Olly J February 24, 2005
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1. adj. phraze - to be high, the state of being associated with drug/alcohol use (most commonly used in reference to cannabis intoxication; being stoned

coming from the perceptions you can get when stoned, the feeling that you are in a giant bubble (or a bubble of varying sizes, depending on the situation).

2. adj. phraze - describing a relationship between one or more individuals. If two people are said to be 'in the bubble' with each other, it means they have a certain connection, an understanding. they are on the level with each other.

the bubble is representative of mental connection, not simply sexual or romantic connection (though this may also exist in some cases).
1. *after an hour of smoking...*
dudeA: 'yo dave, you ok over there...?'
dudeB: 'yeah man, i'm in the bubble'
dudeA: 'werd'

2. guy: so you girls are together? wanna 3some ?!
girls: erm... see it's like this: were in the bubble but you're on the outside, so its not going to work out.
guy: wtf... awwe.
by Olly J May 17, 2005
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A phrase meaning what's up or how's it going in Spanish. Often used as a casual greeting between two or more friends.

see also: ca va, how's it going and what's up
vato1: "aay, que pasa'migo"
vato2: "nada esay, wassup wit'choo"
by Olly J June 4, 2005
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