35 definitions by Olive989

An actual furniture store/ brand...where you can purchase (among other things), a one nightstand.
That Hooker Furniture store is really high end. They have lots of bedroom options. And cater to a variety of tastes.
by Olive989 March 26, 2023
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When two words are blended together to create one word, using only a portion of each word.


(Internet)=Interconnected + Network
(Brunch)= Breakfast + Lunch
(Moped)= Motor + Pedal
(Bash)= Bang + Smash
Most people realize "Brunch" is a portmanteaus, but what about "Internet?"
by Olive989 March 28, 2023
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(1.) The easiest negative emotion to channel into productivity.

While depression is like a static pond that sinks into the earth and grows mold, anger is like boating down rapids. The ride can be a bit bumpy, (perilous even, if it turns to rage) but you’ve got enough power in that water current…you’ll sure as shit get somewhere.

The trick is being able to paddle (channel your anger), otherwise that energy will take you somewhere quick you don’t want to go, (like a rapid that pushes you overboard and makes you hit your head on a rock).

(2.) The expectation that something in this world should be better than it currently is, and someone else is responsible for why it’s not.

(3.) When hope makes a peace treaty with other negative emotions (such as grief, fear, despair, shame), by assigning them two targets…something or someone to blame, and something to do about it. (The something to do about it doesn’t have to be direct (such as plotting revenge). It can also involve self-actualization or the betterment of oneself /others).
I'd rather deal with anger than depression or sadness any day of the week. Contrary to the suffering artist myth, most manifestations of suffering do not yield productivity.
by Olive989 March 23, 2023
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Everybody loves a story about an underdog who overcame incredible odds, or a prodigal son/daughter who found redemption. This in itself does not qualify as “Inspiration Porn”.

(1.) In general, Inspiration porn is when an individual takes someone else’s genuinely inspirational story and uses it to support their point of view on something. (This point of view is often revolting and completely detached from the life experience of the story they are using.)

Example: A guy posts a story about a multiple amputee athlete with something like, “Quit your excuses” when the guy is neither an athlete, or suffering from a physical disability. (Just hates fat people).

(2.) When someone takes a one in a million odds story, and tries to use it to make a case that X, Y, Z, systemic issue is not really a problem, because this one person in a million got past it.

(3.) When a person with all the tact and empathy of a rock, uses inspirational stories to justify their general lack of compassion, (often while laboring under the delusion that they themselves are beacons of total self-sufficiency.) This sort of person often pays scrupulous attention to the beginning and end of an inspirational story, while ignoring everything in between.
An inspirational story wouldn’t be considered inspirational if the outcome was likely or probable. So you’ve got to be equal parts revolting and stupid, to try and use “inspiration porn” as an argument for what every person should achieve. Especially when that life experience is completely out of your depth.

Be careful to watch out for snakes who try and use inspiration porn as an excuse to keep the world just the way it is, while ignoring systemic injustices.
by Olive989 March 21, 2023
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The absence of something (some detail, signal, or anomaly) which highlights an answer to a problem or question.
Doctors used to believe all disease manifested as something foreign/outside the body attacking it. In the case of Scurvy, a lot of doctors got tunnel vision looking for a positive cue. (Some Germ or pathogen present that would explain the condition.) But none was to be found. It wasn't until biochemist Fredrick Gowland Hopkins considered what was absent (a lack of vitamin C) that the true cause of scurvy was discovered. This absence was a negative cue.
by Olive989 October 25, 2023
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(1.) When someone tries to hold a contest on whose had it worse, as if suffering was a cereal box with a prize at the bottom.. And not in fact, a depressing reality with no winners.

(2.) Employing mental gymnastics to try and cement the message that your suffering is the only suffering that counts.

A suffering olympics can be held in either a one on one scenario (where the person directly compares their own suffering)...Or it could be a context where the person compares first world to third world problems, and individual vs. Systemic, (always as if one cancels out the other. )
People who try to turn other people's pain into the suffering olympics, usually have one of two goals:

(1.) They're purely seeking personal vindication, because they're too dumb to realize this isn't a contest anyone should want to win.

(2.) They're trying to police someone else's feelings, boundaries or expectations, after being called out for bad behavior. (I.E. I'm not that bad because I had it so much worse growing up. (Or) How dare you even suggest I modify my behavior in any way! Aren't you aware there are children in Africa dying of AIDS?!)
by Olive989 March 16, 2023
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Loyalty is basically the word "investment" but with an opinion or point of view attached.

Loyalty is treated like a virtue, but it can't inherently be one, by itself. Case in point: People in hate groups are very loyal. So is someone with Stockholm Syndrome.

Investing your time and energy in a person or idea, over time...is a completely neutral act without a who, what or why attached.
Loyalty is such a dubious, perspective based word. It's right up there with "honor". Other virtues like love and honesty, are intrinsically valuable even if you love or are honest with the wrong person. This is not the case with loyalty. Being loyal to the wrong people is often based on fear, codependence, or the "birds of a feather" principle.
by Olive989 March 8, 2023
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