35 definitions by Olive989

When a hamster finds themselves really tuckered out, after all that cardio. And doesn't want to move from the wheel before taking a nap.
Man. Moo Moo sure has been falling asleep at the wheel a lot lately. I wonder how much he'd hate me if I poked his little belly right now.
by Olive989 March 4, 2023
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The burden of human consciousness.

Thoughts come in a whole universe of flavors. But most of the words that categorize thought end in either"tion" or "sion".

Some tion/sion examples:

Rumination, premeditation, hesitation, deliberation, consideration, obsession, contemplation, compulsion, conception, introspection, repression, categorization, recognition, reconfiguration, Memorization,

Other: Fantasize, daydream, equating, misconstrue,
Thought can be enjoyable if you've got something to do. Other times I wish I could shut the whole process off.
by Olive989 March 14, 2023
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(1.) The pursuit we owe to ourselves and the world.

Everyone is a prisoner of something. Current physical circumstances. Past trauma. A limit of belief or imagination. An insecurity. A lie we believe. A truth we ignore. A fear of failure. A voice in our heads that dictates what we can and cannot do. Expectations of family or society. Disability. Chronic Illness. Addiction. Grief. Shame. A general world weariness or exhaustion. A locked idea that the world we've known is the only world there is, or ever could be.

We praise the P.O.W. who escapes an enemy/internment camp. We praise the addict who escapes their addiction and chooses sobriety. But in so many other contexts escape is considered juvenile, a product of weakness or immaturity. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

(2.) To imagine something better for yourself or the world in a fictional setting, until you have the courage or ability to make it real.

No P.O.W. escapes an internment camp without imagining a vision of freedom powerful enough it spits in the face of their current tortured and starved reality. Equally so, an addict who imagines a reality in which they are sober, is often imagining something they think is impossible.

Escape gives us permission to think limitlessly, even when we think everything in our life limits us. Because it doesn't ask what's likely or possible, or what the odds are. It just asks, "What would your reality look like if you had it your Way?"
Nobody who ever dared to dream the impossible, and made it real, started off thinking it could happen.

Escape is the birthplace of the things we dare to dream.
by Olive989 March 10, 2023
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While horizontal lips refer to the lips on a person's face, vertical lips refer to a woman's labia.
Person A: "I want to kiss your lips."

Person B: "Horizontal? Or vertical lips?"
by Olive989 March 4, 2023
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The opposite of a North Star. Anything that guides you away from your goals, life purpose, or the best that is in you. It could be addiction or bad habits. It could be the wrong people. It could be hanging on to false or malignant hopes. Whatever it is, it will make your life go south. (Pun intended).
If you follow your south star, your life's natural trajectory is downward.
by Olive989 March 4, 2023
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A girl who got stuck on a really hellish date, because a guy thought she owed him after giving her food.
With all the meat and fiery pits down here, you'd think the King of Hell would have at least summoned me some kind of chargrilled burger. But no. He gave me a piece of fruit that's like 90% seed. Of all the things that could've kept me down here...This seems like a particularly shitty deal.

by Olive989 March 12, 2023
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In general, intuition means knowledge you have, that you are not consciously aware of. (It does not mean "feeling" or emotion.)

Most of the data your brain processes from your environment, is unconscious. But to be "intuitive" is to tap into this unconscious data particularly well.

Intuition can take several forms:

(1.) Intuition as flight/flight/instinct-

This is when your brain picks up on subtle environmental cues and rings an alarm bell like a lightning bolt of clarity, that something is about to go seriously wrong. It could be a person's micro-expressions or body language, a change to a structure or physical object, a combination of sounds...Or any number of things. But whatever it is, your unconscious mind recognizes it and is trying to save your ass.

(2.) Intuition as any kind of knowledge you have, you aren't consciously aware of.

A really intuitive person, could potentially watch a Kung Fu movie. Forget about it. Get in a fight. And only then realize they remembered a lot of the moves.

Another example would be hearing the show Jeopardy play in the background, because someone else is watching it. Maybe their mind is on their laundry and they're not really paying attention to the show. Nothing registers at the time. But a couple weeks later at college trivia night, they realize they have all these answers to random historical facts they didn't have before.
To tap into your intuition, is to tap into all of your brain's hidden resources.
by Olive989 March 4, 2023
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