14 definitions by OiOiBoy

People who cannot take a leap of faith and only believe what they can see with their sense of sight. Atheists consider themselves "intellekshuals" and have very narrow-minded, obnoxious and self-righteous morals and views on belief. They are prone to making rude and smarmy comments on almost anything that can be brought into a discussion, and their blood pressure flares to unhealthy heights during debates involving pretty much anything.

Tend to bite their nails and fidget when asked difficult questions concerning life. Find comfort in the fact their view is considered "cool" and "intelligent". Most atheists are well-off and live comfortable lives in the suburbs, and constantly have a bile-inducing "I'm cleverer than you" look on their face.

Will ALWAYS mysteriously switch to a "devoted Christian" lifestyle as soon as they turn 70. "OH MY GOD, you mean I'M going to die TOO?! What do you mean, atheist? I love Jesus!!"
Atheism, and atheists, should have respect towards other people.
by OiOiBoy July 2, 2006
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A black person (usually a male, second-generation african immigrant) who lives in the suburbs and has no relatives or experience of impoverished inner city life, but takes great effort in making a big deal over the fact he's the only "black kid" in his college/school. He will do this by wearing a du-rag and other overly hip-hop items of clothing such as ridiculously low jeans and hoodys (usually top designer brands and expensive.) G-Unit in particular is one of the country niggas favourate brands.

If they are from the UK, they will use American words such as "dawg" and "homie" and will also try to dress like an American M.C by wearing baggy white t-shirts and white du-rags. Always say things like "is it cus I'm black" and "I'm a black guy, I know about these things." These people are, of course, mocked by the real inner-city dwellers, whether they be African, Afro-Caribbean, Asian or white.
My mate is from Southend. He's a right country nigga.
by OiOiBoy July 8, 2006
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A film set in west London about the day in the lives of three secondary school rudeboys. Has successfully made everyone outside of London think that the city is a complete and utter ghetto, and upon setting one foot inside its borders will result in an instant mugging. Has also taught some of the suburban kids in the rest of the UK some useful ghetto words (though are humorously inaccurate to the genuine urban London lifestyle, i.e. getting "banged up" means getting sent to prison, not being beaten up. The correct phrase is "banged out.")

An embaressment of a film in its glaring inaccuracy and dramatic license, though does in some way glamourise the miserable grind of life for teenagers living the low life in the impoverished urban sectors of London, which I guess is a good thing.

Also boosts the image of "white boys" in the urban scene, because "the one what robs the off license, he's quite hard, innit." Oh, the ghastly mortification of it all.
Suburban rich kid: "Hey blud man, I saw Kidulthood today. Safe blud innit brrrrap! You get me bruv!!!"
Urban council estate boy: "If we weren't in your home village of Andover, I would murder you."

Suburban rich kid: "Hey lets rob those kids for their gameboy, like Sam does in Kidulthood. Our daddies could easily afford 10 of them if we all but asked, but it'll make us look cool if we steal one."
Suburban rich kid: "Yes! and lets use really ghetto words too. It'll make us feel big inside."
by OiOiBoy August 19, 2006
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Rank in the fuedal system, one below baron and one above the general peasants.

Developed during the 800s in a kingdom covering France and a lot of the surrounding area, and rapidly spread to the rest of Europe as far east as Russia and as far south as Spain and Italy. Kings were finding they owned more land than they could control, so they gave vast expanses of it to barons (dukes, counts, etc) in return the barons would pay taxes to the king and would fight for him when it was demanded of them, and they must provide an agreed number of men. Barons are like the medieval equivilant of generals.

The barons continued to break up this land into smaller patches, which was controlled by a knight. The knight usually owned one or two villages in his land. The knight would tax the peasants in his land. In return for this, the knight must fight for their lord baron when called upon, and also pay taxes to him, exactly the same duties that the king expects from the barons.

The knight could be viewed as the medieval equivilant of captains/minor officers today. They recruited both men-at-arms (peasants aspiring to be honourable warriors) and archers (peasants that played the less honourable role of using bows/crossbows to fight,) and took these men with them when the baron called them to fight.

The knight is a trained killer. Taken from a family of high rank, the young knight (or "page") left home at about the age of 6 to live with another knight, or even a baron, in their manor or castle. For the first 4 or so years, they were taught manners, such as how to speak different languages or how to carve a roast. From the age of around 10, they were upgraded into "squires:" knights to be. Training as a squire was particulry difficult. By about the age of 18, the knight was a fully trained and honed killer, and was knighted by their master in a long knighting ceremony.

Knights from around 1100AD onwards were expected to follow a code of chivalry, which meant being polite to everyone and being generous to the poor. Knights are sometimes dramatised; many knights ignored the code and were simply ruthless, greedy killers. Most base rules were followed however: it was considered cowardly to use a bow, and it was also very dishonourable (and also a waste of ransom money) to kill a defenceless or surrendering opponent.

Contrary to popular belief, knights were NOT common soldiers in armour. Knights were men of rank, and it was rare to see huge armies of knights without a vast number of peasant infantry accompanying them. Sometimes the knights and men-at-arms would gather to lead the first wave, as it was their honour and right to do so, but as tactics became more and more important in medieval warfare this custom was less common.
Sir Vircotti, the Milanese knight, left his quiet manor and village to join his lord in a crusade to re-capture the holy land.
by OiOiBoy July 4, 2006
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What, Canada actually has armed forces now?

Now that I never knew...

What do they use them for, like keeping maple leafs safe or something?

And by the way- Canada NEVER invaded America and burnt the White House. That was the British forces advancing through their territory of Canada, you fuckup. So don't go thinking you've got one up on anyone because really, both America and Canada were Brittannia's bitches at one point. Canada still is, however. You're not out of the Commonwealth yet. That goes for you too, Australia. And you India. And New Zealand. And.......... etc
Hey, did you know that all milk cartons in Canada have the word "HOMO" up the side of them? No, really.

I never knew the Canadian Armed Forces even existed. I thought they had a mountain rangers goof troop, or something like that.
by OiOiBoy June 20, 2006
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Possibly the worst game I have ever played in my life, on any console.

No, really. The biggest waste of money in the world, though perhaps some entertainment value could be derived from the shitness of this game.

Once again, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. Don't be fooled by the promises made on the packaging. You will regret it.
Loser: "I just bought this game called unlimited saga, it looks so cool"
Me: "Hahahahaha"
by OiOiBoy June 20, 2006
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Involves constant throwing up and feeling extreme nausea and dizzyness for the rest of the night, possibly with continued vomiting later on. In more extreme cases, the person in question may experience hallucinations.

Occurs when someone smokes a lot of marijuana in a short period of time. Common amongst those who want to prove their masculinity somehow by smoking large amounts, usually through peer pressure.

Usually ruins the night for everyone else, as it means they must look after them and take them home. So people who green out often aren't very popular with the rest of the dope heads.
Person 1 : "Wheres he going? Oh no, he's greening out."
Person 2 : "For fucks sake, not again."
by OiOiBoy July 1, 2006
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