3 definitions by OhThisGuy21

Hateful Man. Person who pretends to be your buddy, then puts a knife or some time bomb bullshit in your brain.
This preacher cuff hook me
How so?
He told me he was yours.
by OhThisGuy21 October 21, 2017
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When someone starts speaking unintelligibly to see if you'll fake comprehending, making you look like a total goon
Man 1: safar you've frecked my jimmywhistle

You: I know I did

Man 1 (To self): got another one, coach!

You: why you have such a shiteating grin? You slangtrap me?
by OhThisGuy21 August 19, 2016
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In pinochle, means to assert your hands' dominance by showing all your cards to your opponents. They can challenge said "lay" by telling you to "pick it up"; at which point, the person who laid it down begins talking trash and sweating profusely
"can't believe he laid that shit down; he only had 15 tricks, tops"
never lay it down when you have 15 tricks kids.
by OhThisGuy21 November 5, 2016
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